Page 71 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 71
lowing factors were examined:  The parity, newborn’s  birth weight and 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 69
circumference of fetal head. The purpose of this article is to describe the Rit-
gen’s maneuver as an aid in childbirth and the  possibilities of  implementing it
in  practice. Methods: In the survey were used the basic descriptive statistics as
well as the multivariate logistic regression an the hypothesis testing with Chi-
square, t-test and the Mann-Whitney U-test. The data were collected through
the National Perinatal Information System of Slovenia during the years 2008-
2012. Results: The results showed statistically significant (p <0.05) effects of
parity, which means that the more extensive injuries of the perineum have
been observed with  primiparas with an episiotomy (0.6%), and the least inju-
ries with multiparas without an episiotomy (0.2%). Also statistically significant
is the influence of newborn’s birth weight and head circumference on the fre-
quency of episiotomy, which means that women with performed episiotomy
have  newborns, who are  in average  60g heavier (p <0.05) and had 0.4 cm
more head circumference (p <0.05). Deliveries, where no episiotomy was car-
ried out, were almost 30 minutes shorter. Discussion and conclusions:  Accord-
ing to the data, collected by the author,  the Ritgen’s maneuver, which was orig-
inally described as a method to prevent a perineum trauma, is not being used
in Slovenia, however, Slovenian midwives use various techniques to protect the
perineum, which contain elements of Ritgen’s maneuver and can reduce per-
ineal trauma. Midwives are increasingly aware of the importance of maintain-
ing the intact perineum during childbirth, as evidenced by the statistics of the
episiotomy incidence.
Key words: Childbirth, Ritgen’s maneuver, episiotomy, perineum

Socialno kulturne razlike kot izziv pri zagotavljanju zdravja žensk
in njihovih otrok v obporodnem obdobju
Socio cultural differences as a challenge in ensuring the health of
women and their children in the perinatal period
Ema Jasavić1, Tita Stanek Zidarič2
1 University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics,
Šlajmerjeva 3, 1000 Ljubljana
2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana,
Izhodišča: Vsaka oseba je del neke kulture. V določenih kulturah obstaja težn-
ja po prirejanju svečanih ritualov ob pomembnih življenjskih dogodkih, med ka-
tere spadajo nosečnost in rojstvo otroka. Ti rituali in navade so odsev vrednot
posamezne družbe. Za zdravstvene strokovnjake je pomembno razumevan-
je kulturnih vlog vseh članov posamezne družine, religioznih vrednot ali pom-
ena rojstva, z namenom zagotavljanja optimalnega zdravja žensk in njihovih
otrok. Metode: Raziskovalno vprašanje (Kakšne so izkušnje in občutenja bab-
ic, ki v času poroda skrbijo za ženske, katerih kulturna prepričanja se razliku-
jejo od njihovih lastnih?) je študijo vodilo do kvalitativne metode raziskovanja,
natančneje fenomenologije. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo pol strukturiranih
intervjujev z 11 babicami zaposlenimi v Bolnišnici za ginekologijo in porodništ-
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