Page 76 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 76
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 74 preteklosti so raziskovalci v okviru zdravstvene nege in oskrbe pozornost na-
menjali predvsem moškim migrantom. Danes je opaziti večjo pozornost in
raziskovalno zanimanje za migrantke, vendar pa je ta usmerjena predvsem v
migracije kot na spolno zaznamovan proces in manj iz vidika zdravstvene ne-
ge in oskrbe. Raziskave kažejo, da ženske iz kulturno drugačnih okolij izka-
zujejo slabše zdravstvene izzide, predvsem zaradi nedostopnosti zdravstve-
nih storitev, jezikovnih in kulturnih barier ter nenazadnje tudi institucionalnega
rasizma, ki je velikokrat posledica neznanja zdravstvenih delavcev. Primerno
izobraževanje v smeri pridobivanja kulturnih kompetenc medicinskih sester je
eden izmed načinov spodbujanja etično učinkovitih zdravstvenih sistemov in
storitev. Čeprav so kulturne kompetence v zdravstveni negi že dolgo spoznane
kot nujno potrebne v klinični praksi, pa jasnih opredelitev glede strategij pou-
čevanja za pridobivanje kulturnih kompetenc ni, kot tudi ne ustrezne teoretične
podpore. Raziskava temelji na namenskem pregledu literature, ki skozi diskurz
medkulturnosti vrednoti razpoložljive dokaze, ki opisujejo poučevanje, učen-
je in s tem pridobivanje kulturnih kompetenc med študenti zdravstvene nege.
Ključne besede: medkulturne kompetence, transkulturna zdravstvena nega,
zdravje žensk, izobraževanje
The number of migrants continues to increase. If in 2000 all over the wor-
ld the number of international migrants reached about 175 million, there we-
re in 2013, according to the International Organization for Migration, about
230 million migrants. It is noticeable that in the past researchers, from the per-
spective of nursing and healthcare, devoted their attention mainly to the ma-
le migrants. Nowadays more attention and research interest is focused on fe-
male migrants; however, most of the research highlights the migration process
as gender oriented process and not as much from the nursing or healthcare
oriented perspective. Other research findings suggest that women from cul-
turally diverse background are faced with poor health outcomes, mainly due
to inaccessible health services, language and cultural barriers, and last but not
least, institutional racism, which is often the result of ignorance of healthcare
professionals. Appropriate education methods towards the acquisition of cul-
tural competencies of nurses are one of the ways of promoting ethical efficient
healthcare systems and services. Although cultural competencies in nursing ha-
ve long been recognized as essential part of clinical practice, there is no clear
definition about suitable teaching strategy for the acquisition of cultural compe-
tence and relevant theoretical support. The research is based on a purposeful
literature review where through the discourse of interculturalism available evi-
dence, describing the teaching/learning strategies regarding cross-cultural ca-
re and the acquisition of cultural competencies among nursing students, is eva-
Key words: cross-cultural competencies, transcultural nursing, women’s health,
menjali predvsem moškim migrantom. Danes je opaziti večjo pozornost in
raziskovalno zanimanje za migrantke, vendar pa je ta usmerjena predvsem v
migracije kot na spolno zaznamovan proces in manj iz vidika zdravstvene ne-
ge in oskrbe. Raziskave kažejo, da ženske iz kulturno drugačnih okolij izka-
zujejo slabše zdravstvene izzide, predvsem zaradi nedostopnosti zdravstve-
nih storitev, jezikovnih in kulturnih barier ter nenazadnje tudi institucionalnega
rasizma, ki je velikokrat posledica neznanja zdravstvenih delavcev. Primerno
izobraževanje v smeri pridobivanja kulturnih kompetenc medicinskih sester je
eden izmed načinov spodbujanja etično učinkovitih zdravstvenih sistemov in
storitev. Čeprav so kulturne kompetence v zdravstveni negi že dolgo spoznane
kot nujno potrebne v klinični praksi, pa jasnih opredelitev glede strategij pou-
čevanja za pridobivanje kulturnih kompetenc ni, kot tudi ne ustrezne teoretične
podpore. Raziskava temelji na namenskem pregledu literature, ki skozi diskurz
medkulturnosti vrednoti razpoložljive dokaze, ki opisujejo poučevanje, učen-
je in s tem pridobivanje kulturnih kompetenc med študenti zdravstvene nege.
Ključne besede: medkulturne kompetence, transkulturna zdravstvena nega,
zdravje žensk, izobraževanje
The number of migrants continues to increase. If in 2000 all over the wor-
ld the number of international migrants reached about 175 million, there we-
re in 2013, according to the International Organization for Migration, about
230 million migrants. It is noticeable that in the past researchers, from the per-
spective of nursing and healthcare, devoted their attention mainly to the ma-
le migrants. Nowadays more attention and research interest is focused on fe-
male migrants; however, most of the research highlights the migration process
as gender oriented process and not as much from the nursing or healthcare
oriented perspective. Other research findings suggest that women from cul-
turally diverse background are faced with poor health outcomes, mainly due
to inaccessible health services, language and cultural barriers, and last but not
least, institutional racism, which is often the result of ignorance of healthcare
professionals. Appropriate education methods towards the acquisition of cul-
tural competencies of nurses are one of the ways of promoting ethical efficient
healthcare systems and services. Although cultural competencies in nursing ha-
ve long been recognized as essential part of clinical practice, there is no clear
definition about suitable teaching strategy for the acquisition of cultural compe-
tence and relevant theoretical support. The research is based on a purposeful
literature review where through the discourse of interculturalism available evi-
dence, describing the teaching/learning strategies regarding cross-cultural ca-
re and the acquisition of cultural competencies among nursing students, is eva-
Key words: cross-cultural competencies, transcultural nursing, women’s health,