Page 95 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 95
tno gibalno športno aktivni, v povprečju 1,07 ur dnevno, večina pa je gibal- 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 93
no športno aktivnih 6 – 10 ur tedensko. Ocenjevali smo energijski vnos, vnos
prehranskih vlaknin, antioksidantov in razmerje omega-6 in omega-3-maščob-
nih kislin. Rezultati Ugotavljamo, da je povprečni dnevni energijski vnos med an-
ketiranci previsok, povprečni vnos prehranskih vlaknin, antioksidantov in ome-
ga-3-MK pa nezadosten. Anketiranci v splošnem zaužijejo premalo z vlakninami
bogatih škrobnih živil ter zelenjave, premalo rib in z omega-3-MK obogatenih
živil. Uživajo zadosti sadja, pustih beljakovinskih živil, kakovostnih maščob-
nih živil ter zmerne količine sladic. Diskusija in zaključki Prehrana rekreativnih
športnikov severne Primorske se v preučevanih parametrih ne sklada s pri-
poročili. Glede na rezultate raziskave je kritičen predvsem pomanjkljiv vnos
zelenjave ter posledično prehranskih vlaknin in nezadostna količina rib ter s
tem neustrezno razmerje med maščobnimi kislinami. Ugotovili smo, da se pre-
cejšen delež rekreativnih športnikov poslužuje prehranskih dopolnil, zato lah-
ko sklepamo, da se zavedajo pomena zdrave in uravnotežene prehrane, po-
trebujejo pa natančnejše usmeritve glede potrebnih količin posameznih hranil.
Ključne besede: prehranske navade, rekreativni športniki, prehrana odraslih,
prehranska priporočila.
Background Nutrition and physical activity, which both affect our health and re-
duce the burden of obesity are already one of the highest priority themes of
the World Health Organization (WHO) and the EU. A balanced and healthy
diet means properly prepared and assembled meals, a balanced intake of all
necessary nutrients and adequate energy value of food. The objective was to
examine the eating habits of recreational athletes of northern Primorska re-
gion and gain insight into potential weaknesses of the diet of the population
and also to suggest improvements of the situation. The purpose of the work
is the evaluation of dietary habits of recreational athletes from northern Pri-
morska region. Methods The survey was conducted on a sample of 38 individu-
als whose dietary habits were evaluated using a questionnaire on the frequen-
cy of food consumption and weekly phisical activity and analyzed using online
tool OPKP. All respondents are phisically active, on average 1,07 hours daily,
most of them are active 6 – 10 hours in a week. We evaluated energy intake,
intake of dietary fiber, antioxidants, and the ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fat-
ty acids. Results We find that the average daily energy intake among our popu-
laton is too high and the average intake of fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty
acids is insufficient. Respondents generally consume too few fiber-rich starchy
foods and vegetables, too few fish and omega-3 fortified foods such as forti-
fied milk, cheese and eggs. Respondents enjoy enough fruit, lean protein foods,
high quality, fatty foods, and moderate amounts of sweets. Discussion and con-
clusion Diet of the amateur athletes of northern Primorska region in the stud-
ied parameters does not comply with the recommendations. According to the
survey results the intake of vegetable is inadequate, and therefore there is also
insufficient intake of dietary fiber. Because of the lack of fish in the diet of the
population the amount of omega 3 fatty acid and ratio between fatty acids is in-
adequate. We have found that a significant proportion of amateur athletes are
using dietary supplements, so we can assume that they are aware of the impor-
no športno aktivnih 6 – 10 ur tedensko. Ocenjevali smo energijski vnos, vnos
prehranskih vlaknin, antioksidantov in razmerje omega-6 in omega-3-maščob-
nih kislin. Rezultati Ugotavljamo, da je povprečni dnevni energijski vnos med an-
ketiranci previsok, povprečni vnos prehranskih vlaknin, antioksidantov in ome-
ga-3-MK pa nezadosten. Anketiranci v splošnem zaužijejo premalo z vlakninami
bogatih škrobnih živil ter zelenjave, premalo rib in z omega-3-MK obogatenih
živil. Uživajo zadosti sadja, pustih beljakovinskih živil, kakovostnih maščob-
nih živil ter zmerne količine sladic. Diskusija in zaključki Prehrana rekreativnih
športnikov severne Primorske se v preučevanih parametrih ne sklada s pri-
poročili. Glede na rezultate raziskave je kritičen predvsem pomanjkljiv vnos
zelenjave ter posledično prehranskih vlaknin in nezadostna količina rib ter s
tem neustrezno razmerje med maščobnimi kislinami. Ugotovili smo, da se pre-
cejšen delež rekreativnih športnikov poslužuje prehranskih dopolnil, zato lah-
ko sklepamo, da se zavedajo pomena zdrave in uravnotežene prehrane, po-
trebujejo pa natančnejše usmeritve glede potrebnih količin posameznih hranil.
Ključne besede: prehranske navade, rekreativni športniki, prehrana odraslih,
prehranska priporočila.
Background Nutrition and physical activity, which both affect our health and re-
duce the burden of obesity are already one of the highest priority themes of
the World Health Organization (WHO) and the EU. A balanced and healthy
diet means properly prepared and assembled meals, a balanced intake of all
necessary nutrients and adequate energy value of food. The objective was to
examine the eating habits of recreational athletes of northern Primorska re-
gion and gain insight into potential weaknesses of the diet of the population
and also to suggest improvements of the situation. The purpose of the work
is the evaluation of dietary habits of recreational athletes from northern Pri-
morska region. Methods The survey was conducted on a sample of 38 individu-
als whose dietary habits were evaluated using a questionnaire on the frequen-
cy of food consumption and weekly phisical activity and analyzed using online
tool OPKP. All respondents are phisically active, on average 1,07 hours daily,
most of them are active 6 – 10 hours in a week. We evaluated energy intake,
intake of dietary fiber, antioxidants, and the ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fat-
ty acids. Results We find that the average daily energy intake among our popu-
laton is too high and the average intake of fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty
acids is insufficient. Respondents generally consume too few fiber-rich starchy
foods and vegetables, too few fish and omega-3 fortified foods such as forti-
fied milk, cheese and eggs. Respondents enjoy enough fruit, lean protein foods,
high quality, fatty foods, and moderate amounts of sweets. Discussion and con-
clusion Diet of the amateur athletes of northern Primorska region in the stud-
ied parameters does not comply with the recommendations. According to the
survey results the intake of vegetable is inadequate, and therefore there is also
insufficient intake of dietary fiber. Because of the lack of fish in the diet of the
population the amount of omega 3 fatty acid and ratio between fatty acids is in-
adequate. We have found that a significant proportion of amateur athletes are
using dietary supplements, so we can assume that they are aware of the impor-