Page 91 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 91
g within normal weight body mass index classifications. Dietary counselling 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 89
is numerically less attended by men’s. Women are those who have most vis-
its and are present in several advices. Discussion and conclusions: Initial state of
health does not provide information on the nutritional interventions, as well as
not forecast the number of consultations. By analysing the data, we have ob-
tained important information on the characteristics of persons attending nutri-
tion counselling and a better understanding of those factors which could have a
major impact on the success or likelihood of a successful outcome of nutrition-
al counselling in the future.
Key words: nutritional counselling, successful outcome, body mass index, age,
Ketogena dieta in vpliv na mentalne procese delovne populacije
Ketogenic diet and its impact on mental processes of working
Gašper Grom
Maksimum d.o.o., Parmova 51, 1000 Ljubljana
Raziskovanje prehrane z malo ogljikovimi hidrati in veliko maščobami v zad-
njih dveh desetletjih prinaša paradigmatski premik v nutricionistiki pa tudi
medicini. Z opazovalnimi študijami in kliničnimi eksperimenti je dokazano, da
t. i. ketogeno dieta lahko učinkovito uporabimo pri različnih boleznih in sin-
dromih (epilepsija, Alzheimerjeva bolezen, nekatere oblike možganskih tumor-
jev – predvsem multiformnega glioblastoma; sladkorna bolezen, predvsem ti-
pa 2; presnovni sindrom, vključno s čezmerno telesno maso). Manj je raziskav
ketogene diete v smislu vpliva na zdrave ljudi, torej odgovorov na vprašanje,
kakšne so prednosti visokomaščobne prehrane za sicer zdrave ljudi, če odmis-
limo morebitne preventivne učinke. S pregledom znanstvene literature in sinte-
zo dosedanjih spoznanj o mehanizmih in vplivih ketogene diete na možgane kot
sedeža mentalnih procesov bomo skušali podati smiselne iztočnice za razmisl-
ek o uporabi visokomaščobne diete kot metode zagotavljanja boljšega spomi-
na, izboljšane kognitivne funkcije in delovne učinkovitosti pri delovno aktivni
Ključne besede: ketogena dieta, nizek vnos ogljikovih hidratov, kognitivna
fukncija, oblikovanje spominov, nevroprotektičen učinek
Low carbohydrate and high fat nutrition research has brought a sense of para-
digmatic shift in nutritional science and in medicine over the past two decades.
Observational studies and clinical experiments have shown the efficiency of the
ketogenic diet in series of diseases and syndromes (epilepsy, Alzheimer’s dis-
ease, some brain tumors, especially glioblastoma multiforme; diabetes, espe-
cially type 2; metabolic syndrome, including obesity). There is however less of
research effort put into recognition of the benefits a ketogenic diet for healthy
people, other than preventive character of the diet. In this review we synthe-
size current data and knowledge about mechanisms of the ketogenic diet and
its influence on the brain as the centre of the mental processes and in turn try
to outline the starting points of thinking and researching the ketogenic diet as
is numerically less attended by men’s. Women are those who have most vis-
its and are present in several advices. Discussion and conclusions: Initial state of
health does not provide information on the nutritional interventions, as well as
not forecast the number of consultations. By analysing the data, we have ob-
tained important information on the characteristics of persons attending nutri-
tion counselling and a better understanding of those factors which could have a
major impact on the success or likelihood of a successful outcome of nutrition-
al counselling in the future.
Key words: nutritional counselling, successful outcome, body mass index, age,
Ketogena dieta in vpliv na mentalne procese delovne populacije
Ketogenic diet and its impact on mental processes of working
Gašper Grom
Maksimum d.o.o., Parmova 51, 1000 Ljubljana
Raziskovanje prehrane z malo ogljikovimi hidrati in veliko maščobami v zad-
njih dveh desetletjih prinaša paradigmatski premik v nutricionistiki pa tudi
medicini. Z opazovalnimi študijami in kliničnimi eksperimenti je dokazano, da
t. i. ketogeno dieta lahko učinkovito uporabimo pri različnih boleznih in sin-
dromih (epilepsija, Alzheimerjeva bolezen, nekatere oblike možganskih tumor-
jev – predvsem multiformnega glioblastoma; sladkorna bolezen, predvsem ti-
pa 2; presnovni sindrom, vključno s čezmerno telesno maso). Manj je raziskav
ketogene diete v smislu vpliva na zdrave ljudi, torej odgovorov na vprašanje,
kakšne so prednosti visokomaščobne prehrane za sicer zdrave ljudi, če odmis-
limo morebitne preventivne učinke. S pregledom znanstvene literature in sinte-
zo dosedanjih spoznanj o mehanizmih in vplivih ketogene diete na možgane kot
sedeža mentalnih procesov bomo skušali podati smiselne iztočnice za razmisl-
ek o uporabi visokomaščobne diete kot metode zagotavljanja boljšega spomi-
na, izboljšane kognitivne funkcije in delovne učinkovitosti pri delovno aktivni
Ključne besede: ketogena dieta, nizek vnos ogljikovih hidratov, kognitivna
fukncija, oblikovanje spominov, nevroprotektičen učinek
Low carbohydrate and high fat nutrition research has brought a sense of para-
digmatic shift in nutritional science and in medicine over the past two decades.
Observational studies and clinical experiments have shown the efficiency of the
ketogenic diet in series of diseases and syndromes (epilepsy, Alzheimer’s dis-
ease, some brain tumors, especially glioblastoma multiforme; diabetes, espe-
cially type 2; metabolic syndrome, including obesity). There is however less of
research effort put into recognition of the benefits a ketogenic diet for healthy
people, other than preventive character of the diet. In this review we synthe-
size current data and knowledge about mechanisms of the ketogenic diet and
its influence on the brain as the centre of the mental processes and in turn try
to outline the starting points of thinking and researching the ketogenic diet as