Page 94 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 94
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 92 medtem ko pri PS 0 ni bilo statistično značilnih korelacij med vnosom mesa in
zamenjav in CRP. Diskusija in zaključki: Povezava med viri beljakovin in vnetjem
se med suhimi in pretežkimi odraslimi s prisotnima vsaj dvema komponentama
PS razlikuje, kar je potrebno upoštevati pri prehranskem svetovanju.
Ključne besede: kronično vnetje, beljakovine, presnovni sindrom
Introduction: Obesity and its complications can importantly affect the work-
ing ability of working-age population. Low-grade chronic inflammation, that in-
creases with the escalation of obesity and inactivity, and the accumulation of
Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) components, is a risk factor for chronic non-com-
municable diseases, as well as for reduced cognitive function. There are con-
flicting reports on impact of protein intake on inflammation and insulin re-
sistance in the literature, so the authors were interested in the relationship
between the intake of proteins and inflammation in the working-age adults.
Methods: 96 adults were divided in three groups according to number of MetS
components present: PS0, no MetS component, PS1, one MetS component
and PS2, two or more MetS components present. Spearman correlation was
used to assess the associations between protein source intake and the inflam-
mation marker C-reactive protein within the groups. Results: Milk and dairy in-
take negatively correlated with CRP in PS0, ehile there were no correlations
between milk and dairy intake and CRP in PS2. On the other hand, meat and
substitutes positively correlated with CRP in PS2, while there were no correla-
tions between meat and substitutes and CRP in PS0. Discussion and Conclusions:
The associations between protein sources and inflammation differ in lean and
overweigth with at least two MetS components present, which should be con-
siedred in dietary counseling.
Key words: chronic inflammation, protein, metabolic syndrom
Ocena prehranskih navad rekreativnih športnikov
Severne Primorske
Assessment of eating habits of recreational athletes
from the slovenian northern coastal region
Jerca Poznič, Boštjan Žvanut, Tamara Poklar Vatovec
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola
Izhodišča: Prehrana in telesna dejavnost, ki ugodno vplivata na zdravje in zman-
jšujeta breme debelosti, sta že vrsto let visoko na lestvici prednostnih tem
Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) in EU. Uravnotežena in varoval-
na prehrana pomenita pravilno pripravljene in sestavljene obroke hrane ter
pravilen režim prehranjevanja, kar predstavlja tisti del zdravega načina življenja,
ki človeka krepi, vpliva na visoko delovno storilnost in preprečuje obolenjaŽe-
leli smo preučiti prehranske navade rekreativnih športnikov severne Primorske
ter pridobiti vpogled v morebitne pomanjkljivosti v prehrani navedene popu-
lacije in podati predloge za izboljšanje stanja. Namen raziskave je ocena preh-
ranskih navad rekreativnih športnikov severne Primorske. Metode Raziskava
je bila opravljena na vzorcu 38 posameznikov, katerih prehranske navade smo
ocenjevali s pomočjo vprašalnika o pogostosti uživanja živil ter tedenski telesni
dejavnosti in analizirali s pomočjo spletnega orodja OPKP. Vsi anketiranci so za-
zamenjav in CRP. Diskusija in zaključki: Povezava med viri beljakovin in vnetjem
se med suhimi in pretežkimi odraslimi s prisotnima vsaj dvema komponentama
PS razlikuje, kar je potrebno upoštevati pri prehranskem svetovanju.
Ključne besede: kronično vnetje, beljakovine, presnovni sindrom
Introduction: Obesity and its complications can importantly affect the work-
ing ability of working-age population. Low-grade chronic inflammation, that in-
creases with the escalation of obesity and inactivity, and the accumulation of
Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) components, is a risk factor for chronic non-com-
municable diseases, as well as for reduced cognitive function. There are con-
flicting reports on impact of protein intake on inflammation and insulin re-
sistance in the literature, so the authors were interested in the relationship
between the intake of proteins and inflammation in the working-age adults.
Methods: 96 adults were divided in three groups according to number of MetS
components present: PS0, no MetS component, PS1, one MetS component
and PS2, two or more MetS components present. Spearman correlation was
used to assess the associations between protein source intake and the inflam-
mation marker C-reactive protein within the groups. Results: Milk and dairy in-
take negatively correlated with CRP in PS0, ehile there were no correlations
between milk and dairy intake and CRP in PS2. On the other hand, meat and
substitutes positively correlated with CRP in PS2, while there were no correla-
tions between meat and substitutes and CRP in PS0. Discussion and Conclusions:
The associations between protein sources and inflammation differ in lean and
overweigth with at least two MetS components present, which should be con-
siedred in dietary counseling.
Key words: chronic inflammation, protein, metabolic syndrom
Ocena prehranskih navad rekreativnih športnikov
Severne Primorske
Assessment of eating habits of recreational athletes
from the slovenian northern coastal region
Jerca Poznič, Boštjan Žvanut, Tamara Poklar Vatovec
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola
Izhodišča: Prehrana in telesna dejavnost, ki ugodno vplivata na zdravje in zman-
jšujeta breme debelosti, sta že vrsto let visoko na lestvici prednostnih tem
Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) in EU. Uravnotežena in varoval-
na prehrana pomenita pravilno pripravljene in sestavljene obroke hrane ter
pravilen režim prehranjevanja, kar predstavlja tisti del zdravega načina življenja,
ki človeka krepi, vpliva na visoko delovno storilnost in preprečuje obolenjaŽe-
leli smo preučiti prehranske navade rekreativnih športnikov severne Primorske
ter pridobiti vpogled v morebitne pomanjkljivosti v prehrani navedene popu-
lacije in podati predloge za izboljšanje stanja. Namen raziskave je ocena preh-
ranskih navad rekreativnih športnikov severne Primorske. Metode Raziskava
je bila opravljena na vzorcu 38 posameznikov, katerih prehranske navade smo
ocenjevali s pomočjo vprašalnika o pogostosti uživanja živil ter tedenski telesni
dejavnosti in analizirali s pomočjo spletnega orodja OPKP. Vsi anketiranci so za-