Page 93 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 93
dle-aged (≤60 years) subgroup of the diabetic population. Methods: Medi- 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 91
cal records of 192 pts with T2DM aged ≤60 years (110 male pts; 57.3%) who had
undergone MPI with a maximal exercise stress testing between 2010 and 2014
were retrospectively analysed. MPI was performed according to the EANM
procedural guidelines for stress-rest ECG gated SPECT one-day protocol us-
ing 99mTc-tetrofosmin. Perfusion images were judged by two specialists in-
dependently, and SMI was diagnosed as myocardial perfusion abnormalities
without associated symptoms. Pts with abnormal MPI underwent coronary
angiography, and significant stenosis was defined as ≥50% for LAD, and ≥75%
for other coronary arteries. Discussion and conclusions: MPI was positive in 35
pts (18.2%); of those 31 (16.1%) had angiographically confirmed coronary steno-
sis. The positive predictive value of the MPI for predicting angiographic coro-
nary stenosis in this age subgroup was 88.9%. Univariate analysis revealed post-
stress LVEF drop ≥5% (p = .003) and NT-proBNP levels detected in stress (p
= .005) to be associated with greater risk of ischemia in working-age T2DM
pts. In multivariate analysis LVEF drop ≥5% (p = .003) remained an independ-
ent predictor of SMI. Prevalence of SMI in diabetic working-age pts was almost
similar to that observed in studies of subjects over 65 years-old. Information
about post-stress LVEF drop and NT-proBNP level detected in stress, in addi-
tion to the conventional risk factors, can contribute to more precise identifi-
cation of SMI in this specific age subgroup of the pts. Our data suggest that ad-
vanced intervention procedures including intensive drug management should
be implemented to reduce the risk of cardiac events for SMI-positive T2DM pts
of working-age.
Key words: scintigraphy, silent ischemia, diabetes mellitus
Prehranske beljakovine in vnetje pri suhih in pretežkih odraslih
Dietary protein and inflammation in lean and overweight adults
Nina Mohorko, Ana Petelin, Zala Jenko Pražnikar
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola,,
Izhodišča: Debelost in z njo povezani zapleti lahko pomembno vplivajo na
delavno sposobnost delavno aktivne populacije. Kronično vnetje, ki se stopn-
juje s stopnjevanjem debelosti in neaktivnosti ter kopičenjem komponent pres-
novnega sindroma, je dejavnik tveganja za kronične neprenosljive bolezni, pa
tudi za slabšo kognitivno funkcijo. O vplivu vnosa beljakovin na vnetje in inzu-
linsko rezistenco prihaja v literaturi do razhajanj, zato je avtorje zanimala pov-
ezava med vnosom beljakovin in vnetjem pri delovno aktivnih odraslih. Metode:
96 odraslih so avtorji razdelili v tri skupine glede na prisotne komponente pres-
novnega sindroma (PS): PS0, brez komponent PS, PS1, z eno komponento PS,
in PS2, z dvema komponentoma PS ali več. S Spearmanovo korelacijo so iskali
povezave med vnosom virov beljakovin in vnetnim markerjem reaktivnim pro-
teinom C (CRP) znotraj skupin. Rezultati: Vnos mleka in mlečnih izdelkov je
negativno koreliral s koncentracijo CRP pri PS0, medtem ko korelacije med ml-
ekom in mlečnimi izdelki in CRP pri PS2 niso bile statistično značilne. Po dru-
gi strani je vnos mesa in zamenjav pozitivno koreliral s koncentracijo CRP PS2,
cal records of 192 pts with T2DM aged ≤60 years (110 male pts; 57.3%) who had
undergone MPI with a maximal exercise stress testing between 2010 and 2014
were retrospectively analysed. MPI was performed according to the EANM
procedural guidelines for stress-rest ECG gated SPECT one-day protocol us-
ing 99mTc-tetrofosmin. Perfusion images were judged by two specialists in-
dependently, and SMI was diagnosed as myocardial perfusion abnormalities
without associated symptoms. Pts with abnormal MPI underwent coronary
angiography, and significant stenosis was defined as ≥50% for LAD, and ≥75%
for other coronary arteries. Discussion and conclusions: MPI was positive in 35
pts (18.2%); of those 31 (16.1%) had angiographically confirmed coronary steno-
sis. The positive predictive value of the MPI for predicting angiographic coro-
nary stenosis in this age subgroup was 88.9%. Univariate analysis revealed post-
stress LVEF drop ≥5% (p = .003) and NT-proBNP levels detected in stress (p
= .005) to be associated with greater risk of ischemia in working-age T2DM
pts. In multivariate analysis LVEF drop ≥5% (p = .003) remained an independ-
ent predictor of SMI. Prevalence of SMI in diabetic working-age pts was almost
similar to that observed in studies of subjects over 65 years-old. Information
about post-stress LVEF drop and NT-proBNP level detected in stress, in addi-
tion to the conventional risk factors, can contribute to more precise identifi-
cation of SMI in this specific age subgroup of the pts. Our data suggest that ad-
vanced intervention procedures including intensive drug management should
be implemented to reduce the risk of cardiac events for SMI-positive T2DM pts
of working-age.
Key words: scintigraphy, silent ischemia, diabetes mellitus
Prehranske beljakovine in vnetje pri suhih in pretežkih odraslih
Dietary protein and inflammation in lean and overweight adults
Nina Mohorko, Ana Petelin, Zala Jenko Pražnikar
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola,,
Izhodišča: Debelost in z njo povezani zapleti lahko pomembno vplivajo na
delavno sposobnost delavno aktivne populacije. Kronično vnetje, ki se stopn-
juje s stopnjevanjem debelosti in neaktivnosti ter kopičenjem komponent pres-
novnega sindroma, je dejavnik tveganja za kronične neprenosljive bolezni, pa
tudi za slabšo kognitivno funkcijo. O vplivu vnosa beljakovin na vnetje in inzu-
linsko rezistenco prihaja v literaturi do razhajanj, zato je avtorje zanimala pov-
ezava med vnosom beljakovin in vnetjem pri delovno aktivnih odraslih. Metode:
96 odraslih so avtorji razdelili v tri skupine glede na prisotne komponente pres-
novnega sindroma (PS): PS0, brez komponent PS, PS1, z eno komponento PS,
in PS2, z dvema komponentoma PS ali več. S Spearmanovo korelacijo so iskali
povezave med vnosom virov beljakovin in vnetnim markerjem reaktivnim pro-
teinom C (CRP) znotraj skupin. Rezultati: Vnos mleka in mlečnih izdelkov je
negativno koreliral s koncentracijo CRP pri PS0, medtem ko korelacije med ml-
ekom in mlečnimi izdelki in CRP pri PS2 niso bile statistično značilne. Po dru-
gi strani je vnos mesa in zamenjav pozitivno koreliral s koncentracijo CRP PS2,