Page 188 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 1. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 188
mikro in makro: pr istopi in pr ispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici up fhš

The long history of industry in Ajdovščina.
The centralised manufacturing plants along the Hubelj river
- an outline from the 16th to the early 20th century

Located in the rural area of the Vipava valley, Ajdovščina is a settlement
with a long industrial tradition. The article shows how industrial activities
can be traced continuously from the early modern period to the present
day. The central theme is the continuity of industrial activity in the coun-
tryside between the 16th and 19th centuries. To show that, the paper focus-
es, among the different forms of production in the secondary sector, which
may be traced, on centralised manufacturing plants only. The resulting pic-
ture shows how centralised plants may be traced at least since to the mid-
16th century and how, with the emergence of new industrial productions,
from the late 18th century and through the 19th an accelerated industrial de-
velopment may be detected. Around 1830, one-third of the Ajdovščina pop-
ulation made their living on industrial work, the half of which did so in the
two largest plants at that time (Ajdovščina in 1827 had 662 inhabitants, 154

During the considered period, various industries such as the met-
al, paper, textile, chemical and food processing industries operated in
Ajdovščina and its close surroundings, which are presented in the article
on the examples of individual plants. An outstanding common denomina-
tor of these plants was their location along the river Hubelj, which provided
one of the main conditions for their operation – the driving force, and thus
constituted a central factor in location-choosing. Forest and ore resources
were other important assets that further contributed to the strategic loca-
tion of the town along the main traffic route connecting Slovene and Italian
regions, but also the proximity of urban centres and the Adriatic Sea coast
as well as the presence of a local workforce that was skilled due to the long
industrial tradition. All of these may be identified as further factors that led
to such a diverse range of activities by the Hubelj river over the centuries

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