Page 212 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 1. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 212
mikro in makro: pr istopi in pr ispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici up fhš

Slapšak, B. 2003. »O koncu prazgodovinskih skupnosti na Krasu.« Arheološki
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Vodopivec, P. 2011. »O Vačah pred velikim požarom leta 1934: Vače in okoliška
naselja v gradivu franciscejskega katastra.« Kronika 59 (3): 505–14.

Zupet, J. 1997. »Katapan Rodiške župnije iz leta 1885.« V Rodik med Brkini
in Krasom: zbornik ob 350. letnici cerkve, ur. M. Pregelj, 71–78. Koper:

The visible and the seeming in the Franziscean cadastre:
the village of Rodik (1819–1830)

The article addresses the rural history of Littoral Slovenia through a case
study of the village of Rodik, focusing on its economy, society, and envi-
ronment at the beginning of the 19th century. The work is based on data
and information from the Franziscean cadastre, which is a well-known and
appreciated source, especially for historians and geographers. It is distin-
guished by an extraordinary wealth of information that, for the first time in
the history of this area, provides systematic and detailed insight based on
standardized data in cartographic, textual, and numerical form. This ma-
kes it useful for both micro-level studies and extensive regional analyses.
Its value also lies in the fact that it originated in the transition period from
pre-industrial to industrialization times, thus offering a picture of the situ-
ation at this historical phase. The original destination of the cadastre defi-
nes the typology of its information, which is strongly agriculture-related.
Nevertheless, other kinds of information may be found. Apart from contri-
buting to rural history research on a case study basis, the paper examines
the potentials of the source itself.

It may be observed that the representatives of the local community in-
volved in the creation of the cadastre were not interested in emphasizing
the positive aspects of their economy since the result was taxation. On the
other hand, officials tended to simplify local reality in order to fit it into
standardized categories, being outsiders to the peasant society and cultu-
re, easily ignoring local knowledge, practices, characteristics, and values.

The article demonstrates how, in the case of a micro-level study and
with a consistent critical approach, we can increase the source's expressi-
veness by integrating information from different cadastral protocols, for-
ms and maps. This way, hidden features of local reality come to the surface

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