Page 154 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 154
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

1,600,000 and 4,000,000 EUR of annual sales in year 2013, was 43 years
old and began its environmental activities in the year 2002.

In order to compare the distribution of the sample to the population,
a Chi-square was used. It was found that the distribution of the sample
differs from the population (see Table 23). We compared the distribution
of the sample to the population regarding company size. The results in-
dicate a significant difference for company size in terms of full-time em-
ployees. This difference is mainly due to the lower number of respons-
es received from micro companies (0-9 employees) and the higher rate
of participation of small (10-49 employees), medium (50-249 employees)
and large companies (250 or more employees).

Table 23: The sample in comparison with the population

154 Sample Population* Difference

Firm size (number of em- N of compa- N
nies of companies
ployees) Percent Percent Chi-square

Micro company 52 23.32% 172983 94.99% χ2= 6393.619
(0-9 employees) 68 30.49% 6788 3.73% df = 3
56 25.11% 1988 1.09%
Small company 47 21.08% 330 0.18% sig. = 0.000
(10-49 employees) 223 100% 182089 100%

Medium company
(50-249 employees)

Large company (more than
250 employees)


Note: *Population in our case stands for the entire number of all Slovenian companies. Data
were retrieved from Statistical Office RS, 2015.

Eco-innovation determinants
In this section, we will present the analyses of all factors that work as
determinants/drivers of eco-innovation. The descriptive statistics will be
presented, and the normality of distribution of various constructs will
also be checked. This will be followed by exploratory factor analysis, con-
ducted in SPSS and concluded by confirmatory factor analysis for each
determinant of eco-innovation. The five determinants of eco-innovation
that we will encompass in our eco-innovation model are as follows: man-
agerial environmental concern (Section 7.2.1), expected benefits (Section
7.2.2), environmental policy instruments (further divided into two indi-
vidual components, the command-and-control instrument and the eco-
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