Page 71 - Moretti, Melita, in Mirko Markič (ur.). 2017. Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima: Teorija, praksa in raziskave v Sloveniji. Koper. Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 71
4: Organizacijska klima: zgodovina, pojem in dimenzije 71
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Kang, J. H., J. G. Matusik, T. Y. Kim in J. M. Phillips. 2016. »Interacti-
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King, E B., K. de Chermont, M. West, J. F. Dawson in M. R. Hebl. 2007.
»How Innovation Can Alleviate Negative Consequences of Deman-
ding Work Contexts: The Influence of Climate for Innovation on Orga-
nizational Outcomes.« Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psy-
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Kozlowski, S. W. J., in B. M. Hults. 1987. »An Exploration of Climates for
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ce.« Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 11 (1): 139–55.
Hong, Y., H. Liao, J. Hu in K. Jiang. 2013. »Missing Link in the Service Pro-
fit Chain: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Antecedents, Consequences,
and Moderators of Service Climate.« Journal of Applied Psychology 98
(2): 237–67.
House, R. J., in J. R. Rizzo. 1972. »Toward the Measurement of Organiza-
tional Practices: Scale Development and Validation.« Journal of Applied
Psychology 56 (1): 388–96.
Howe, J. G. 1977. »Group climate: An Exploratory Analysis of Construct
Validity.« Organizational Behavior & Human Performance 19 (1): 106–
James, L. R., in A. P. Jones. 1974. »Organizational Climate: A Review o
Theory and Research.« Psychological Bulletin 81 (12): 1096–112.
Johannesson, R. 1973. »Some Problems in the Measurement of Organiza-
tional Climate.« Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 10
(1): 118–45.
Jones, A. P., in L. R. James. 1979. »Psychological Cclimate: Dimensions and
Relationships of Individual and Aggregated Work Environment Percep-
tions.« Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 23 (1): 201–
Kang, J. H., J. G. Matusik, T. Y. Kim in J. M. Phillips. 2016. »Interacti-
ve Effects of Multiple Organizational Climates on Employee Innovative
Behavior in Entrepreneurial Firms: A Crosslevel Investigation.« Jour-
nal of Business Venturing 31 (6): 628–42.
King, E B., K. de Chermont, M. West, J. F. Dawson in M. R. Hebl. 2007.
»How Innovation Can Alleviate Negative Consequences of Deman-
ding Work Contexts: The Influence of Climate for Innovation on Orga-
nizational Outcomes.« Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psy-
chology 80 (4): 631–45.
Konrad, E. 1987. »Vodenje in motivacija za delo: pomen organizacijske kul-
ture in organizacijske klime.« V XV. posvetovanje psihologov Slovenije,
99–100. Ljubljana: Društvo psihologov SR Slovenije.
Kozlowski, S. W. J., in B. M. Hults. 1987. »An Exploration of Climates for
Technical Updating and Performance.« Personnel Psychology 40 (1):
Lawler, E. E., D. T. Hall in G. R. Oldham. 1974. »Organizational Clima-
te: Relationship to Organizational Structure, Process and Performan-
ce.« Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 11 (1): 139–55.