Page 74 - Moretti, Melita, in Mirko Markič (ur.). 2017. Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima: Teorija, praksa in raziskave v Sloveniji. Koper. Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 74
Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima
Schneider, B. 1975. »Organizational Climates: An Essay.« Personnel Psy-
chology 28 (4): 447–79.
Schneider, B., in C. J. Bartlett. 1968. »Individual Differences and Organiza-
tional Climate, I: The Research Plan and Questionnaire Development.«
Personnel Psychology 21 (3): 323–33.
Schneider, B., in D. E. Bowen. 1995. Winning the Service Game. Boston:
Harvard Business School Press.
Schneider, B., in D. T. Hall. 1972. »Towards Specifying the Concept of
Work Climate: A Study of Roman Catholic Diocesan Priests.« Journal
of Applied Psychology 56 (1): 447–55.
Schneider, B., in S. S. White. 2004. Service Quality: Research Perspectives.
Thousand Oaks: Sage.
74 Schneider, B., J. J. Parkington in V. M. Buxton. 1980. »Employee and Cus-
tomer Perceptions of Service in Banks.« Administrative Science Quar-
terly 25 (1): 252–67.
Schneider, B., S. S. White in M. C. Paul. 1998. »Linking Service Climate
and Customer Perceptions of Service Quality: Test of a Causal Model.«
Journal of Applied Psychology 83 (2): 150–63.
Schyns, B., in M. Van Veldhoven. 2010. »Group Leadership Climate and In-
dividual Organizational Commitment: A Multilevel Analysis.« Journal
of Personnel Psychology 9 (2): 57–68.
Sims, H. P., in W. LaFollette. 1975. »An Assessment of the Litwin and
Stringer Organization Climate Questionnaire.« Personnel Psychology
28 (1): 19–38.
Steers, R. M. 1977. Organizational Effectiveness: A Behavioral View. Santa
Monica: Goodyear.
Tagiuri, R. 1968. »The Concept of Organizational Climate.« V Organiza-
tional Climate: Explorations of a Concept, ur. R. Tagiuri in G. H. Litwin,
11–32. Boston: Harvard University.
Tagiuri, R., in G. H. Litwin. 1968. Organizational Climate: Explorations of
a Concept. Boston: Harvard University.
Tang, J., in W. Q. Chen. 2001. »From ‹Organizational Climate› to ‚Orga-
nizational Culture‘ – The Logic of Concept Development.« Journal of
Development in Psychology 9 (1): 62–65.
Tracey, J. B., S. I. Tannenbaum in M. J. Kavanaugh. 1995. »Applying Tra-
ined Skills on the Job: The Importance of the Work Environment.«
Journal of Applied Psychology 80 (2): 239–52.
Schneider, B. 1975. »Organizational Climates: An Essay.« Personnel Psy-
chology 28 (4): 447–79.
Schneider, B., in C. J. Bartlett. 1968. »Individual Differences and Organiza-
tional Climate, I: The Research Plan and Questionnaire Development.«
Personnel Psychology 21 (3): 323–33.
Schneider, B., in D. E. Bowen. 1995. Winning the Service Game. Boston:
Harvard Business School Press.
Schneider, B., in D. T. Hall. 1972. »Towards Specifying the Concept of
Work Climate: A Study of Roman Catholic Diocesan Priests.« Journal
of Applied Psychology 56 (1): 447–55.
Schneider, B., in S. S. White. 2004. Service Quality: Research Perspectives.
Thousand Oaks: Sage.
74 Schneider, B., J. J. Parkington in V. M. Buxton. 1980. »Employee and Cus-
tomer Perceptions of Service in Banks.« Administrative Science Quar-
terly 25 (1): 252–67.
Schneider, B., S. S. White in M. C. Paul. 1998. »Linking Service Climate
and Customer Perceptions of Service Quality: Test of a Causal Model.«
Journal of Applied Psychology 83 (2): 150–63.
Schyns, B., in M. Van Veldhoven. 2010. »Group Leadership Climate and In-
dividual Organizational Commitment: A Multilevel Analysis.« Journal
of Personnel Psychology 9 (2): 57–68.
Sims, H. P., in W. LaFollette. 1975. »An Assessment of the Litwin and
Stringer Organization Climate Questionnaire.« Personnel Psychology
28 (1): 19–38.
Steers, R. M. 1977. Organizational Effectiveness: A Behavioral View. Santa
Monica: Goodyear.
Tagiuri, R. 1968. »The Concept of Organizational Climate.« V Organiza-
tional Climate: Explorations of a Concept, ur. R. Tagiuri in G. H. Litwin,
11–32. Boston: Harvard University.
Tagiuri, R., in G. H. Litwin. 1968. Organizational Climate: Explorations of
a Concept. Boston: Harvard University.
Tang, J., in W. Q. Chen. 2001. »From ‹Organizational Climate› to ‚Orga-
nizational Culture‘ – The Logic of Concept Development.« Journal of
Development in Psychology 9 (1): 62–65.
Tracey, J. B., S. I. Tannenbaum in M. J. Kavanaugh. 1995. »Applying Tra-
ined Skills on the Job: The Importance of the Work Environment.«
Journal of Applied Psychology 80 (2): 239–52.