Page 69 - Moretti, Melita, in Mirko Markič (ur.). 2017. Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima: Teorija, praksa in raziskave v Sloveniji. Koper. Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 69
4: Organizacijska klima: zgodovina, pojem in dimenzije 69
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Biro Praxis. 2016. »Kako merimo organizacijsko klimo in zadovoljstvo za-
Brown, R. L., in H. Holmes. 1986. »The Use of a Factor-Analytic Procedure
for Assessing the Validity of an Employee Safety Climate Model.« Acci-
dent Analysis & Prevention 18 (6): 455–70.
Campbell, J. P., M. D. Dunnette, E. E. Lawler III in K. E. Weick. 1970. Ma-
nagerial Behavior, Performance and Effectiveness. New York: McGraw-
Castro, M. L., in N. Martins. 2010. »The Relationship between Organisatio-
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Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde 36 (1): 2–9.
Chaudhary, R., S. Rangnekar in M. K. Barua. 2014. »Organizational Cli-
mate, Climate Strength and Work Engagement.« Procedia – Social and
Behavioral Sciences 133 (1): 291–303.
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in Predicting Self- And Collective Efficacy: Evidence for Discontinui-
ty.« Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (3): 549–56.
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in Service Context: Taking Care of Business by Taking Care of Em-
ployees and Customers.« Personnel Psychology 63 (1): 153–96.
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dents and Consequences of Procedural Justice Climate.« Personnel Psy-
chology 58 (1): 83–109.
Cooil, B., L. Aksoy, T. L. Keiningham in K. M. Marytott. 2009. »The Re-
lationship of Employee Perceptions of Organizational Climate to Busi-
ness-Unit Outcomes: An MLPS Approach.« Journal of Service Resear-
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Dean, A. 2004. »Links between Organizational and Customer Variables in
Service Delivery: Evidence, Contradictions, and Challenges.« Interna-
tional Journal of Service Industry Management 15 (4): 332–50.
Dedobbeleer, N., in F. Béland. 1991. »A Safety Climate Measure for Con-
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Dieterly, D., in B. Schneider. 1974. »The Effect of Organizational Environ-
ment on Perceived Power and Climate: A Laboratory Study.« Organiza-
tional Behavior and Human Performance 11 (1): 316–37.
Downey, H. K., D. Hellriegel in J. W. Slocum. 1975. »Congruence between
Individual Needs, Organizational Climate, Job Satisfaction and Perfor-
mance.« Academy of Management Journal 18 (1): 149–55.