Page 49 - Potocco, Marcello, ed. 2018. Literatura v preseku družbe, družba v preseku literature. The Crossroads of Literature and Social Praxis. Zbornik povzetkov. Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 49
atan Vinkler the crossroads of literature and social praxis, ljubljana, 2018 47
University of Primorska
»Stick to Your Own Kind« or »Don’t Set Foot in Krauts’

The paper focuses on the inter-national struggle between Slove­
nians and Germans, which resulted from the increasingly distinct­
ly developed Slovenian and German national identities and identi­
fication in Carniola. From the second half of 1860s onwards, this
struggle was moving from the field of the political into that of busi­
ness and enterprise, too. At the centre of our attention are the dis­
cursive practices and narratives of nationalism present in the pre­
viously »unmarked« social subsystem, economy. What comes to
light are texts and other signs (caricatures) from the newspapers
Novice, Slovenec and Laibacher Tagblatt/Zeitung; to be more specif­
ic, the Slovenian boycott of German-speaking (both German and
non-German) companies and craftsmen, which reached one of its
highlights with a Slovenian mass »blockade« of bells produced in
the famous Albert Samassa’s foundry (1875). The third stage of the
establishment of Slovenian national identity (in addition to cultural
and political identity, we witness the development of the econom­
ic one) is at the same time the phase during which it seems that the
identity question of the Slovenian language traverses – and gives
sense to – all social subsystems and transcends all social action,
while simultaneouly reducing all discourse to the explicit expres­
sion of identity signs (speaking the Slovenian or German language
as a condition for the operation of social systems).
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