Page 59 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 59
Effects of enough omega-3 fatty acids
on cardiovascular system in the elderly

Samo Kotnik, Alja Mikec, Andrej Starc

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases represent a significant risk factor.
In the EU alone, they result in over 1.8 million deaths annually (37%). In
2014, 6.1 million new cases were discovered and their total number rose
to almost 50 million. Diet plays an important role, because when it is
unhealthy, it can make the disease worse. But when it is healthy, diet can
act as a protective factor against cardiovascular diseases. The elderly pose
a special challenge, because they represent an increasingly big part of our
population. They also have lower caloric intake needs, which puts them
at a higher risk of malnutrition.
Methods: The descriptive research method with a critical review of
Slovene and English professional and scientific literature was used. We
conducted a meta-synthesis, using studies published between 2007 and
Results: In the elderly, higher consumption of functional foods, such as
omega-3 fatty acids, seems necessary. The amount of omega-3 fatty acids
required to lower the risk of cardiovascular complications is expected to
be at least 0.5 g higher than the daily recommended amount. Lower food
consumption and consequential need to find the right meal composition
therefore represent the biggest challenges.
Discussion and conclusions: Based on previous research and findings,
guidelines for further research and sufficient omega-3 consumption
among the elderly will be presented.
Key words: health of the elderly, elderly diet, nutraceutics, cardiovascular
disease, omega-3.

Cardiovascular diseases are illnesses which affect the vessels and are the
leading cause of premature death among the adult population in the EU
(Fan and Kenny, 2018). In 2014, they resulted in 1.8 million deaths (37.1

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