Page 57 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 57
ary however, as Casals et al. (2000) determined, to make the commands and adaptability in living space for elderly people 57
controls simple, easy-to-use and user-friendly.

Most users who renovate their kitchen at an older age count on it being used for
the rest of their lives. The results of this research show that most people are un-
aware of the importance of ergonomic adaptations to the specific needs that old
age brings. Manufacturers should design kitchen furniture systems that would
allow for implementation adapted for special needs and should inform buyers
more about the significance of an adequately furnished kitchen, heeding the
needs of advanced age.

Considering that designers during planning space and furniture have in
mind the 19 to 65 age-group, the modern kitchen furniture neglects the needs
of the elderly. Therefore, our findings corelate to the Dorst and Cross (2001),
who recommend for successful design the interaction between goals and ideas.
In the future, we would broaden the research to include other parts of residen-
tial unit, thus providing criteria for the design of homes for the elderly.

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