Page 62 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 62
Author/year Purpose of research Methodology Results
The target consumption
Lavie et al., 2009 To assess the evidence Literature review. should be at least 500
showing the benefits of mg/day for individuals
omega-3 polyunsaturat- without underlying car-
ed fatty acids. diovascular diseases and
at least 800 to 1,000 mg/
Levitan et al., 2009 To examine the associ- A prospective cohort day for those with well
ations of fatty fish and study. known coronary heart
omega-3 intake with disease.
heart failure. Intake of marine ome-
ga-3 fatty acids was asso-
Levitan et al., 2010 To examine the associa- A meta-analysis. ciated with lower rates of
tion of marine omega-3 heart failure.
with heart failure. Moderate consumption
of fatty fish and marine
zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 62 Merino et al., 2014 To investigate the effect A prospective cohort omega-3 were associated
Mozaffarian et al., 2008 of increased omega-3 study. with a lower rate of first
Shen et al., 2017 consumption on periph- heart failure hospitaliza-
Wang et al., 2012 eral artery function. tion or death.
Increased dietary con-
To assess if habitual con- sumption of omega-3
sumption of omega-3 ac- improves peripheral vas-
ids is associated with A prospective cohort oactivity.
more favorable heart rate study. Vascular endothelial cell
function is improved
variablity. and arrhytmic risk re-
duced by omega-3 fatty
To study the effects of Experimental study. acid intake.
marine omega-3 fatty
acid supplementation in Dietary fish oil-based
older adults with hyper- supplementations were
tension and/or hyper- safe and effective in re-
cholesterolemia. ducing blood pressure
and blood cholesterol.
To assess the effect of A meta-analysis.
omega-3 fatty acid sup- Supplementation of
plementation on en- omega-3 fatty acids sig-
dothelial function. nificantly improves the
endothelial function.

Scientific findings show that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can
help reduce the effect of cardiovascular risk factors. These include hyperten-
sion, hyperlipidaemia, elevated amounts of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and
elevated inflammatory marker levels (Alissa, Ferns, 2012; Shen et al., 2017). Fur-
thermore, increased consumption of omega-3 can help prevent cardiovascular
events in those with high cardiovascular risks and reduce cardiovascular mor-
bidity in both primary and secondary prevention (de Oliveira Otto et al., 2013;
Eilat-Adar et al., 2013). It can also reduce the rate of first heart failure (Levitan
et al., 2009; Levitan et al., 2010), improve peripheral vasoactivity (Merino et al.,
2014), delay the onset of cardiovascular disease, cardiac death, myocardial in-
farction (Casula et al., 2013), reduce stenosis as well as consequential mortali-
ty (Filion et al., 2010).
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