Page 60 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 60
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 60 %), 6.1 million new cases were discovered and their total number rose to almost
50 million. They do not only represent a vast healthcare challenge but a consid-
erable financial and economic problem as well, since they cost the EU approx-
imately 169 billion EUR annually (Eurostat, 2017). Mechanisms which lead to
cardiovascular diseases are different, but they are all connected by the fact that
in over 90 % of cases they can be prevented. The elderly represent an increas-
ingly big part of the population. It is estimated, that by 2050, 35 % of the pop-
ulation will be older than 65. Ensuring a healthy and quality ageing therefore
presents the greatest challenge (Ubeda et al., 2012). Healthy and balanced diet,
adjusted to the needs of an elderly person, plays an important role (IVZ, 2010;
Eilat-Adar et al., 2013).

Olfactory, gustatory and gastrointestinal changes are typical in elderly
and they can result in apetite reduction, thirst and manifest in a slower peri-
stalsis, lower amounts of gastric acid secretion together with lower absorption
and metabolic ability (IVZ, 2010; Molfino et al., 2014). On the account of re-
duced bodily functions, lowered muscular mass and lesser physical activity, en-
ergy needs are reduced as well, which can result in malnutrition. Malnutrition
can be prevented by consuming functional foods, such as omega-3 fatty acids,
that are classified as essential double bond fatty acids, which are indispensa-
ble in a healthy diet, the ageing process and cardiovascular diseases prevention
(Tur et al., 2012; Ubeda et al., 2012).

We used a descriptive research method with a critical review of Slovenian and
English professional and scientific literature. It was carried out using the Slo-
venian bibliographic catalog database, Medline (Pubmed), Cochrane
and Google Scholar. We conducted a meta-synthesis. Literature inclusion crite-
ria were articles published between 2007 and 2017, Slovene or English language
and appropriate content. The applied keywords in English were: elderly health,
elderly diet, omega-3 fatty acids, elderly diet AND omega-3, elderly AND nutri-
tional status, nutraceutics, elderly AND cardiovascular disease, omega-3 AND
cardiovascular disease, functional food AND cardiovascular disease. Slovene
literature search was performed using the following keywords: zdravje starost-
nikov, prehrana starostnikov, srčno-žilna obolenja. Statistic data on cardiovas-
cular diseases was acquired on website of Eurostat, European Commission.
The literature search took place from February to April 2018.

Sixteen studies were obtained that show tangible evidence on the connection
between omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, along
with the additional amount needed to achieve the cardioprotective effect (Ta-
ble 1).
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