Page 61 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 61
le 1: Overview of studies

Author/year Purpose of research Methodology Results
Alissa and Ferns, 2012 The risk of cardiovascu-
To compare individu- Literature review lar disease is reduced by
al dietary compounds in a diet rich in function-
terms of their cardiovas- al foods, such as poly-
cular protection. unsaturated fats, nuts
and fish.
Cao et al., 2014 To summarize the ef- A literature review Additional 500 mg of
fects of omega-3 fatty ac- omega-3 fatty acids per
ids in prevention of car- day in patients with-
diovascular diseases and out chronic heart dis-
determine the required ease and 1 g in patients
amount. with chronic heart dis-
ease is recommended to
Casula et al., 2013 To investigate the pre- A meta-analysis. achieve the cardiopro- effects of enough omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascular system in the elderly 61
Dawczynski et al., 2010 ventive effect of 1 g/day A cross-sectional study. tective effect.
Delgado-Lista et al., 2012 of omega-3 fatty acid A systematic review. Long-term effect of high
de Oliveira Otto et al., supplements to patients A prospective cohort dose omega-3 fatty acid
2013 with existing cardiovas- study. supplementation can be
cular disease. beneficial against the on-
To determine the effects set of cardiac death and
of omega-3 long chain myocardial infarction.
polyunsaturated fatty
acid supplemented prod- The consumption of
ucts on cardiovascular omega-3 supplemented
risk factors. products decreases car-
To update the current diovascular risk factors.
evidence on the influ-
ence of omega-3 on the Marine omega-3 fatty ac-
rate of cardiovascular ids are effective in pre-
events. venting cardiovascular
To evaluate associations events in persons with
between circulating bio- high cardiovascular risk
marker, dietary omega-3 Increased consumption
and cardiovascular dis- of omega-3 from sea-
ease events. food may prevent cardi-
ovascular disease devel-
Eilat-Adar et al., 2013 To summarize the litera- opment.
ture on the association of A literature review The mediterranean diet
nutrition and CVD. has been shown to re-
duce cardiovascular
Filion et al., 2010 Analysis of cardiovascu- morbidity in prima-
Flock et al., 2013 lar efficacy of omega-3 A meta-analysis. ry and secondary pre-
fatty acids. vention.
The evidence suggests
To establish a dietary A literature review that omega-3 fatty ac-
reference intake of long- ids may result in a mod-
chain omega-3 fatty ac- est reduction in mortali-
ids for cardiovascular ty and stenosis.
protection. A minimum addition-
al intake of 500 mg
omega-3 daily is rec-
ommended for adults
without chronic heart
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