Page 168 - Kerma, Simon. 2018. Vinski turizem z geografskim poreklom. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 168
Vinski turizem z geografskim poreklom

es of both groups, and a consensus on the importance of individual ele-
ments within each group of participants. According to both groups, the
most important development element for the promotion of wine tour-
ism is the typical Mediterranean (Istrian) or local food / cuisine com-
bined with wine. Typical local food and cuisine in connection with wine
was also the highest-ranking statement among more than two hundred
random respondents from all over Slovenia who, in the survey related to
their perception of the Slovenian Istria, have among other things evalu-
ated the selected characteristics of the studied region. Second most im-
portant element according to the Delphi conference experts is the tradi-
tion of growing olives and vines (this was also ranked second by the THS
group), while the third are the characteristic local grape and wine varieties
(ranked second by the WS group). The surveyed inhabitants of Slovenia
168 recognised the typical wines as a very important element in the develop-
ment of the wine-tourism region, which also coincides with the main mo-
tive for a possible visit of the Slovenian Istria (Istrian cuisine and wine),
chosen by more than 75% of the respondents. Their perception of the Slo-
venian Istria is framed by three elements or (cultural) landscape contents,
namely: a) Istrian villages and coastal towns, b) the sea and the Mediter-
ranean climate, and c) olive groves and vineyards. All three are most of-
ten mentioned as the first associations when the geographical name of the
Slovenian Istria is brought up. Additionally, both typical grape varieties,
Refošk and Malvasia, are also relatively strongly positioned in the imagi-
nary of the respondents when compared to other recognizable landscape
symbols of the Slovenian Istria.
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