Page 469 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2019. Vloga nacionalnih opernih gledališč v 20. in 21. stoletju - The Role of National Opera Houses in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 3
P. 469
Vita Gruodytė (
is a researcher at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. She holds
a Ph.D. in musicology from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre,
with a doctoral thesis entitled The Phenomena of Space in the Music of the
20th Century. She regularly contributes to the cultural magazine Kultūros
Barai (Vilnius). She is a Member of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union. Her
research focuses on cultural and political influences in contemporary mu-
sic, and in particular, on the emergence of a national identity in Lithuani-
an music. She is currently preparing a co-authored monograph devoted to
international musical exchange and the Lithuanian musicians’ correspond-
ence of the period of 1945 to 1990 (supported by the Lithuanian Science
Vladimir Gurevich (
studied since 1954 in the Music College by the Saint-Petersburg Rim-
sky-Korsakov Conservatory. Since 1965 in Saint-Petersburg Conservatory.
Graduated the Conservatory in 1971. Then (1969-1976) worked in Turkmeni-
stan. PhD (1971). Promotion (1990). Since 1976 to 1999 Professor in the Trade
Union High School of culture (Leningrad-Saint-Petersburg). From 1999 to
2004 in Academy for postgraduate education and since 2004 professor at
the State Alexander Herzen Pedagogical University (Leningrad-Saint-Pe-
tersburg), also professor in Orthodox Academy (St-Petersburg,since 2012)
and professor at the State Rimski-Korsakov Consevatory (St-Petersburg,
since 2018). He is a member of Composers Union of Russia since 1972 and
now also the secretary of this union. He is also a member of High Council
of experts in RF (Musicology). Author of 8 books and more them 300 ar-
ticles, which are published in Russia, Canada, Poland, Germany, Belgium,
Austria, Norway, Ukraine, Lettland, Turkmenistan and other countries. As
pianist he had many concerts in Russia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germa-
ny, Austria, Canada, France, Poland with various programs (solo and en-
semble), first of all with modern music. He is vice-president by Piano-duo
association (Saint-Petersburg).
Susanne Kogler (
studierte Klassische Philologie und Musikwissenschaft an der Karl-Fran-
zens-Universität und Musikpädagogik an der Kunstuniversität Graz (Mag.
art. 1994), Promotion 2001 zum Thema „Sprache und Sprachlichkeit im
zeitgenössischen Musikschaffen“ (Universal Edition, 2003).
Vita Gruodytė (
is a researcher at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. She holds
a Ph.D. in musicology from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre,
with a doctoral thesis entitled The Phenomena of Space in the Music of the
20th Century. She regularly contributes to the cultural magazine Kultūros
Barai (Vilnius). She is a Member of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union. Her
research focuses on cultural and political influences in contemporary mu-
sic, and in particular, on the emergence of a national identity in Lithuani-
an music. She is currently preparing a co-authored monograph devoted to
international musical exchange and the Lithuanian musicians’ correspond-
ence of the period of 1945 to 1990 (supported by the Lithuanian Science
Vladimir Gurevich (
studied since 1954 in the Music College by the Saint-Petersburg Rim-
sky-Korsakov Conservatory. Since 1965 in Saint-Petersburg Conservatory.
Graduated the Conservatory in 1971. Then (1969-1976) worked in Turkmeni-
stan. PhD (1971). Promotion (1990). Since 1976 to 1999 Professor in the Trade
Union High School of culture (Leningrad-Saint-Petersburg). From 1999 to
2004 in Academy for postgraduate education and since 2004 professor at
the State Alexander Herzen Pedagogical University (Leningrad-Saint-Pe-
tersburg), also professor in Orthodox Academy (St-Petersburg,since 2012)
and professor at the State Rimski-Korsakov Consevatory (St-Petersburg,
since 2018). He is a member of Composers Union of Russia since 1972 and
now also the secretary of this union. He is also a member of High Council
of experts in RF (Musicology). Author of 8 books and more them 300 ar-
ticles, which are published in Russia, Canada, Poland, Germany, Belgium,
Austria, Norway, Ukraine, Lettland, Turkmenistan and other countries. As
pianist he had many concerts in Russia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germa-
ny, Austria, Canada, France, Poland with various programs (solo and en-
semble), first of all with modern music. He is vice-president by Piano-duo
association (Saint-Petersburg).
Susanne Kogler (
studierte Klassische Philologie und Musikwissenschaft an der Karl-Fran-
zens-Universität und Musikpädagogik an der Kunstuniversität Graz (Mag.
art. 1994), Promotion 2001 zum Thema „Sprache und Sprachlichkeit im
zeitgenössischen Musikschaffen“ (Universal Edition, 2003).