Page 305 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik II (2006), številki 3-4, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 305
UDC 261.8:231:502/504
Ciril Sorč
Pneumatological ecology: The task of the Protestant and Roman
Catholic theology
Ecology is not merely a technical and environmental problem, but a matter
of our survival. The environmental crisis is consequently a crisis of humanity.
It is therefore also an existential, ethical and, ultimately, a theological problem.
Thus, it is also a problem for all Christians (ecumenical) and for all religions
(interreligious). According to the words of Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, the
20th Century homo oeconomicus has to become a homo oecologicus in the 21st
Century. Thereby pneumatological ecology has an important place. All Christians
are “obliged” to it: Protestants, Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox. Thus
it is an eminent ecumenical field of mutual cooperation.
In considering the criteria for such a life within the creation, which suites
the Holy Spirit and thus the nature of creation itself, we should pay attention
to the following: Creation, nature and, above all, humanity, receive their being
from the life-giving Spirit of God and are thus always directed towards him. In
this article I wish to show some important elements or topics of the theology
mentioned above, which presents the creation to us in a crucial perspective:
The Spirit as creator; the Spirit as sustainer; the Spirit as the dynamic power of
the creation who invites us to cooperate; the Spirit as an ally to life, a warrant
of the creation’s future; and, a Trinitarian principle of pneumatological ecology.
UDC 1 Schweitzer A.
Cvetka Hedžet Tóth
Albert Schweitzer – Wille zur Kultur und Ethik
Der Artikel erörtert die Ansichten von Albert Schweitzer zu Kultur und
Ethik, vor allem deswegen, weil von all seinen zahlreichen Werken seine Philo-
UDC 261.8:231:502/504
Ciril Sorč
Pneumatological ecology: The task of the Protestant and Roman
Catholic theology
Ecology is not merely a technical and environmental problem, but a matter
of our survival. The environmental crisis is consequently a crisis of humanity.
It is therefore also an existential, ethical and, ultimately, a theological problem.
Thus, it is also a problem for all Christians (ecumenical) and for all religions
(interreligious). According to the words of Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, the
20th Century homo oeconomicus has to become a homo oecologicus in the 21st
Century. Thereby pneumatological ecology has an important place. All Christians
are “obliged” to it: Protestants, Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox. Thus
it is an eminent ecumenical field of mutual cooperation.
In considering the criteria for such a life within the creation, which suites
the Holy Spirit and thus the nature of creation itself, we should pay attention
to the following: Creation, nature and, above all, humanity, receive their being
from the life-giving Spirit of God and are thus always directed towards him. In
this article I wish to show some important elements or topics of the theology
mentioned above, which presents the creation to us in a crucial perspective:
The Spirit as creator; the Spirit as sustainer; the Spirit as the dynamic power of
the creation who invites us to cooperate; the Spirit as an ally to life, a warrant
of the creation’s future; and, a Trinitarian principle of pneumatological ecology.
UDC 1 Schweitzer A.
Cvetka Hedžet Tóth
Albert Schweitzer – Wille zur Kultur und Ethik
Der Artikel erörtert die Ansichten von Albert Schweitzer zu Kultur und
Ethik, vor allem deswegen, weil von all seinen zahlreichen Werken seine Philo-