Page 19 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 19
ia universitatisja za vse. Oživljanje arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv) Grobovšek, (Ljubljana: Združenje
project as – an ex a mple of compr ehensive her itage promotion 19 is one of the largest implemented projects concerning ICOMOS/SI, 2008), 45–53.
preservation and restoration of archaeological herit- Karinja, Snježana, Čerče, Peter. “The Roman
age in Slovenia in recent years. University of Primors- Port at the St. Simon’s Bay, Izola. The
ka as a lead partner in the project as well as manager of 1994 rescue excavations.“ in Radić
the Simonov zaliv archaeological site managed to ac- Rossi, Irena (ed.), Gaspari, Andrej (ed.),
quire necessary funds through EGP 2009-2014 ten- Pydyn, Andrew (ed.), Proceedings of the
der as well as gather a group of highly motivated pro- 13th Annual Meeting of the European
ject partners to execute the project. The project aimed Association of Archaeologists (Zadar, 18.–
at different activities to meet all necessary requirements 23. september 2007), Session: Underwater
for establishing a modern archaeological park at the ar- Archaeology, Zagreb, 2008,196–206.
chaeological site in Simonov zaliv with one of the best Lazar, Irena. “Izobraževanje na področju
preserved archaeological remains of a Roman villa mar- kulturne dediščine: Fakulteta za
itima. This paper presents general information of the ar- humanistične študije Univerze na
chaeological site, project requirements, execution of the Primorskem.” Studia universitatis
project as well as results, enabling immediate and long hereditati, 2013, letn. 1, št. 1/2, 123-139.
term enhancement in the fields of protection, conserva- Lazar, Irena, (ed.). “Project AS. Archaeology
tion and accessibility of archaeological remains as well as for all. Revival of the Archaeological park
long-term upgrading in the fields of education, promo- Simonov zaliv. Project Manual.” Koper:
tion and raising awareness on the importance of cultur- Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016.
al heritage as well as in diversification of cultural tour- Lazar, Irena. “Short description of the project
ism products. and šroject collaborators.” in Lazar,
Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for
Bibliography all. Revival of the Archaeological park
Simonov zaliv. Project Manual, Koper:
Groh, Stefan, Sedlmayer, Helga. Otium cum Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016,
dignitate et negotium trans mare. La villa 8–15.
marittima di San Simone (Simonov zaliv) Lazar, Irena, Mileusnić, Zrinka. “Heritage
in Istria (Slovenia). Bologna: Ante Quem, education and students’ training – case
2017. study Faculty of Humanities University
of Primorska.” Museologica Brunnensia,
ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o ohranjanju 2018, št. 7/1, forthcoming.
in obnovi spomenikov in spomeniških Lazar, Irena, Ravnik, Mateja, Šmid, Katarina.
območij (Beneška Listina)« in Doktrina “New contents fort he visitors and tourists
1: Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. – heritage trails.” in Lazar, Irena (ed.).
Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival
ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 25-28. of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv.
Project Manual, Koper: Založba Univerze
ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o ohranjanju na Primorskem, 2016, 166–183.
in upravljanju arheološke dediščine Lazar, Irena, Tomaž, Alenka. “Presentation
(Lausannska listina)« in Doktrina 1: of the project AS and its objectives.”
Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. in Lux, Judita (ur.), Kikelj, Martina L.
Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje (ur.), Kramar, Sabina (ur.). Zaščita in
ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 45-50. vzdrževanje mozaikov in situ / Protection
and maintenance of mosaics in situ.
ICOMOS. “Listina o interpretaciji in Ljubljana: Institute for the Protection
predstavitvi območij kulturne dediščine.”
Doktrina 2: Mednarodne listine in
dokumenti ICOMOS, uredil: Jovo
project as – an ex a mple of compr ehensive her itage promotion 19 is one of the largest implemented projects concerning ICOMOS/SI, 2008), 45–53.
preservation and restoration of archaeological herit- Karinja, Snježana, Čerče, Peter. “The Roman
age in Slovenia in recent years. University of Primors- Port at the St. Simon’s Bay, Izola. The
ka as a lead partner in the project as well as manager of 1994 rescue excavations.“ in Radić
the Simonov zaliv archaeological site managed to ac- Rossi, Irena (ed.), Gaspari, Andrej (ed.),
quire necessary funds through EGP 2009-2014 ten- Pydyn, Andrew (ed.), Proceedings of the
der as well as gather a group of highly motivated pro- 13th Annual Meeting of the European
ject partners to execute the project. The project aimed Association of Archaeologists (Zadar, 18.–
at different activities to meet all necessary requirements 23. september 2007), Session: Underwater
for establishing a modern archaeological park at the ar- Archaeology, Zagreb, 2008,196–206.
chaeological site in Simonov zaliv with one of the best Lazar, Irena. “Izobraževanje na področju
preserved archaeological remains of a Roman villa mar- kulturne dediščine: Fakulteta za
itima. This paper presents general information of the ar- humanistične študije Univerze na
chaeological site, project requirements, execution of the Primorskem.” Studia universitatis
project as well as results, enabling immediate and long hereditati, 2013, letn. 1, št. 1/2, 123-139.
term enhancement in the fields of protection, conserva- Lazar, Irena, (ed.). “Project AS. Archaeology
tion and accessibility of archaeological remains as well as for all. Revival of the Archaeological park
long-term upgrading in the fields of education, promo- Simonov zaliv. Project Manual.” Koper:
tion and raising awareness on the importance of cultur- Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016.
al heritage as well as in diversification of cultural tour- Lazar, Irena. “Short description of the project
ism products. and šroject collaborators.” in Lazar,
Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for
Bibliography all. Revival of the Archaeological park
Simonov zaliv. Project Manual, Koper:
Groh, Stefan, Sedlmayer, Helga. Otium cum Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016,
dignitate et negotium trans mare. La villa 8–15.
marittima di San Simone (Simonov zaliv) Lazar, Irena, Mileusnić, Zrinka. “Heritage
in Istria (Slovenia). Bologna: Ante Quem, education and students’ training – case
2017. study Faculty of Humanities University
of Primorska.” Museologica Brunnensia,
ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o ohranjanju 2018, št. 7/1, forthcoming.
in obnovi spomenikov in spomeniških Lazar, Irena, Ravnik, Mateja, Šmid, Katarina.
območij (Beneška Listina)« in Doktrina “New contents fort he visitors and tourists
1: Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. – heritage trails.” in Lazar, Irena (ed.).
Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival
ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 25-28. of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv.
Project Manual, Koper: Založba Univerze
ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o ohranjanju na Primorskem, 2016, 166–183.
in upravljanju arheološke dediščine Lazar, Irena, Tomaž, Alenka. “Presentation
(Lausannska listina)« in Doktrina 1: of the project AS and its objectives.”
Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. in Lux, Judita (ur.), Kikelj, Martina L.
Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje (ur.), Kramar, Sabina (ur.). Zaščita in
ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 45-50. vzdrževanje mozaikov in situ / Protection
and maintenance of mosaics in situ.
ICOMOS. “Listina o interpretaciji in Ljubljana: Institute for the Protection
predstavitvi območij kulturne dediščine.”
Doktrina 2: Mednarodne listine in
dokumenti ICOMOS, uredil: Jovo