Page 17 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 17
ia universitatisor half-a-day trips to ancient heritage and seeing generation to experience how to work at the ar­
project as – an ex a mple of compr ehensive her itage promotion 17 the Simonov zaliv archaeological park. chaeological site and to get a glimpse on how to
do excavation with the modern methods of ar­
With the production of these itineraries, chaeological work.
we diversified the (cultural) tourist offer on the
coast and in the hinterland, which will, hopeful­ Last but not least, an immensely important
ly, prolong the tourist season in the future from part of the education process at the Faculty of
early spring to late autumn and contribute to the Humanities UP – particularly in heritage-relat­
general knowledge about the meaning of herit­ ed programmes – is students’ practical work and
age and its active experience. These activities will expert field experience.13 The activities related to
diversify a growth of cultural tourism products the ongoing work at the site of the Roman vil­
in the area and also spread the general knowl­ la at Simonov zaliv, are an excellent opportunity
edge about the coast and the way of life along the for joining the research with the teaching activ­
sea, whose economic impact has been vastly rec­ ities. Archaeology, heritage, history, museology,
ognized in the ancient times. conservation and cultural tourism are but some
of the contents, in which students from Slovenia
Program and contents for collaboration or abroad are involved during the course of their
with schools, kindergartens and universities study process, either in form of practical work,
Aiming at the early start of education and build­ projects, workshops or summer schools.
ing awareness about the meaning of cultural her­
itage to create a responsible visitor and tourist, Local community
our teaching workshops programme has been The Municipality of Izola made great effort in
developing since 2009.12 the last few years to develop its tourism poten­
tial. Once a small fishing town, it is now emerg­
Learning about the past and archaeologi­ ing as an interesting tourist destination. For this
cal discoveries still holds a special and mysteri­ purpose, the municipality supports and finances
ous charm for the younger generation. During numerous projects in the field of cultural herit­
the summer season workshops on various top­ age. Since there are no museums or similar insti­
ics are conducted in the park on a weekly basis, tutions in Izola dedicated to the moveable herit­
whereas outside the season, they are organised age, the Simonov zaliv archaeological park and
for closed groups upon previous arrangement. its activities is seen as an opportunity for further
Apart from group-oriented guided tours and development of cultural tourism and its offer.
workshops, additional curriculum-related class­ The public programme in the park is conducted
es are also organised, as well as cultural field also in cooperation with public institutions in
days and research days, designed for elementary the municipality of Izola, among them the City
schools, high schools and youth research camps. Library of Izola, the tourist office TIC Izola, the
We have also prepared six educational kits, suita­ Knowledge Exchange (Borza znanja), the Izola
ble for learning about material culture of Roman High School of Tourism etc.
period. By way of replicas, games and drawings
schoolchildren and persons with special needs Training for volunteers within the project
come into direct contact with a variety of top­ AS gave the members of the local community a
ics about the everyday life in antiquity. The most possibility to get a better understanding of the
curious can benefit from two “archaeological monument, its characteristics and meaning, thus
boxes”, designed as a model of an archaeological creating conditions for their active participation
site with stratification which enables the young in its preservation, presentation and populari­
sation. Apart from the already listed goals, the
12 Lazar, Irena. “Izobraževanje na področju kulturne dediščine: Fa-
kulteta za humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem.” Studia 13 Lazar, Irena, Mileusnić, Zrinka. “Heritage education and students’
universitatis hereditati, 2013, letn. 1, št. 1/2, 123-139. training – case study Faculty of Humanities University of Primor-
ska.” Museologica Brunnensia, 2018, št. 7/1, forthcoming.
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