Page 18 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 18
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 18purpose of educational courses for tourist guidestation and presentation of cultural heritage are­
as well as organised interdisciplinary meetings as, meeting the standards stipulated in the seven
hereditation the subject of cultural tourism was to initiateprinciples in the areas of access and understand­
a more intensive dialogue between different dis­ ing, information resources, emphasis on the sur­
ciplines, acting in the field of heritage and tour­ roundings and context, maintaining the authen­
ism. Establishing this dialogue means laying the ticity, sustainable design, integration of various
foundations for a better development of the cul­ factors as well as research, training and evalua­
tural tourism, which is in sync with the Strategy tion.18
of developing and marketing cultural tourism in
Slovenia.14 The educational and promotional activi­
ties relating to meaning of archaeological herit­
Research of the ancient complex in the age and its potential in the field of sustainable
bay of Simonov zaliv has an almost centu­ development and cultural tourism are being ful­
ry-long track record. Until the 1980’s, informa­ ly implemented also after the conclusion of the
tion about the Simonov zaliv archaeological re­ project.
mains was only processed by heritage experts or
scientists in the field of archaeology. The peri­ Povzetek
od from the 1980’s onwards was marked by sev­
eral attempts at diverse activities in the field of Projekt »AS - Arheologija za vse. Oživljanje arheolo-
research as well as restoration, and the site has škega parka Simonov zaliv«, je eden največjih projektov
been proclaimed the monument of national sig­ s področja ohranjanja in restavriranja arheološke dediš-
nificance. And later on an archaeological park as čine v Sloveniji, realiziran v zadnjih nekaj letih. Univerza
a part of site management politics has been es­ na Primorskem kot vodilni partner projekta in kot uprav-
tablished subsequently. These activities served as ljavka arheološkega najdišča Simonov zaliv je uspela pri-
a basis for proper management and preservation dobiti potrebna sredstva preko razpisa EGP 2009-2014 in
of the monument, as stipulated by the Venice15 k realizaciji projekta privabiti skupino visoko motiviranih
and Lausanne document16 and their directives projektnih partnerjev. Projekt je bil namenjen različnim
for the preservation and restoration of monu­ dejavnostim, ki so omogočile zahtevane pogoje za vzpo-
ment areas and for preserving and managing ar­ stavitev sodobnega arheološkega parka na arheološkem
chaeological heritage. najdišču v Simonovem zalivu, ki se ponaša z najbolje
ohranjenimi arheološkimi ostalinami rimske vile mariti-
The project AS was developed on excellent me. V članku predstavljamo splošne informacije o arheo-
foundations combined with the directives and loškem najdišču, projektnih zahtevah, izvedbi projekta in
the development concept of the park manager. rezultatih, ki so omogočili takojšnje vidne učinke na po-
The archaeological park now meets the require­ dročju varstva, ohranjanja in dostopnosti arheoloških os-
ments of the International Charter on the Con­ talin rimske vile ter dolgoročne nadgradnje na področju
servation and Management of Archaeological edukacije, promocije in ozaveščanja o pomenu kulturne
Heritage 17 and the Document on the interpre­ dediščine kakor tudi diverzifikacije produktov na podro-
čju kulturnega turizma.
14 Strategija razvoja in trženja kulturnega turizma 2009-2013, Sloven-
ska turistična organizacija, Poslovne publikacije, Maribor, 2009. Summary

15 ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o ohranjanju in obnovi spome- Project “AS – Archaeology for all. Revival of the Ar-
nikov in spomeniških območij (Beneška Listina)« in Doktrina 1: chaeological park Simonov zaliv” (slov. AS – Arheologi-
Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana:
združenje ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 25-28. narodne listine ICOMOS, editor: Jovo Grobovšek, (Ljubljana:
združenje ICOMOS/SI, 1990), 45-50.
16 ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o ohranjanju in upravljanju arhe-
ološke dediščine (Lausannska listina)« in Doktrina 1: Mednaro- 18 ICOMOS. “Listina o interpretaciji in predstavitvi območij kultur-
dne listine ICOMOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje ne dediščine.” Doktrina 2: Mednarodne listine in dokumenti ICO-
ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 45-50. MOS, uredil: Jovo Grobovšek, (Ljubljana: Združenje ICOMOS/
SI, 2008), 45–53.
17 ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o ohranjanju in upravljanju
arheološke dediščine (Lausannska listina)« in Doktrina 1: Med-
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