Page 25 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 25
ia universitatisby creating at least two packages per destination, viti mrežo standardiziranih turističnih produktov s po-
project atas – ancient tr aps of the adr iatic sea 25 for both experienced and non experienced di­ udarkom na podvodni dediščini Jadrana. Vzpostavljena
vers. Besides, all the packages had to include div­ je bila mreža novih turističnih produktov, ki bodo trže-
ing in heritage sites, visits to museums but also ni prek skupne platforme, s ciljem lažje promocije in do-
diving in attractive natural sites or they had to seganja večjega števila potencialnih uporabnikov. Poleg
offer specific themathic contents to integrate all tega sta bila projektna cilja tudi diverzifikacija lokal-
contents, such as underwater photography or ne turistične ponudbe in podaljšanje turistične sezone.
similar. Oblikovanje turističnih proizvodov na podlagi potap-
ljaškega turizma je bilo nadgrajeno s celovito promoci-
Conclusion jo podvodne dediščine. Ta cilj je obsegal tako arheolo-
International charter on cultural tourism from ško dediščino in situ kot tudi promocijo in predstavitev
considered tourism as a valuable factor in the premične dediščine iz podvodnih najdišč, ki so prikaza-
protection and conservation of natural and cul­ ni v muzejih ali drugih institucijah. V prispevku pred-
tural heritage, which can comprise the economic stavljamo glavne cilje in rezultate projekta, vendar tudi
elements of the heritage and use them by raising opozarjamo na potencialne ovire z vidika kulturnega in
funds, educating the community and influenc­ dediščinskega turizma.
ing the market policy. It is also an integral part
of many national and regional economies, as it is Summary
important for development.16
Project ATAS – Ancient Traps of Adriatic Sea is the re-
By connecting the concepts of »underwa­ sult of collaboration of four different project partners
ter heritage« and »tourism«, project ATAS from Croatia, Montenegro and Slovenia. Partnership in-
managed to create a platform for the promotion cluded different profiles, such as local government, uni-
of new products was created, which comprises versity, hotel and a diving club with two main subcon-
tourism and leisure services with a strong focus tractors, one from the field of project management and
on cultural and natural content and culture, that the other from the field of maketing. The main objective
extends the awareness of its existence through of the project was to establish a network of standardised
tourism and its offer.17 On the other side, it cre­ tourist products with focus on underwater heritage of
ated an international network of different insti­ Adriatic. The network of new tourist products, makteted
tutions with a goal of a broader promotion of in­ through the common platform, was created to facilitate
volved destinations. On the local level it enabled the promotion and to reach greater number of potential
the creation of synergies within the cultural and users.The other aim of the project was diversification of
tourism sector, with a focus on the SME thus en­ the local tourist offer and the extension of the tourist sea-
abling them to widen their offer, extend the sea­ son. The formation of tourism products based on the div-
son and have a more sustainable results. ing tourism was upgraded by the comprehensive promo-
tion of underwater heritage. This objective comprised
Povzetek both archaeological heritage in situ, as well as the pro-
Projekt ATAS – Antične pasti jadranskega morja je re- motion and presentation of the movable heritage from
zultat sodelovanja štirih različnih projektnih partnerjev underwater sites displayed in museums or other institu-
iz Hrvaške, Črne gore in Slovenije. Partnerstvo je vklju- tions. This paper presents the main project objectives and
čevalo različne profile, kot so lokalna uprava, univerza, results, but also reminds of the potential obstacles from
hotel in potapljaški klub , z dvema glavnima podizva- the perspective of the cultural and heritage tourism.
jalcema, enim s področja vodenja projektov in drugim
s področja maketinga. Glavni cilj projekta je bil vzposta- Bibliography

16 Zrinka Mileusnić, »Cultural tourism and cultural tourists«, 104- Ettinger Starčić, Zrinka. Underwater
108. archaeological sites of the Lošinj Archipelago,
Mali Lošinj, 2013.
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