Page 24 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 24
means were allocated for the purchase of thesestudia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 24al Charter for Cultural Tourism,14including
concessions for the destination. Fort this reason three main and interdependent elements – tour­
diving locations also included the sites that thishereditati ists, heritage and local population. However, we
measure does not apply to. must point out some other obstacles that were
overcame during the project.
The case of Montenegro has pointed to­
wards different problems. Although the under­ Local community was adressed through
water archaeology of its coast is not thoroughly different educational activities and media pro­
researched,12 there are sites of Bigovica and Mal­ motion in order to get acquainted with the pro­
jevik that are attractive enough to be included ject and to consider collaboration. Education­
in the tourist product. However, the legislative al workshops and several individual contacts
frame of protection of underwater heritage in were implemented in all destinations. Howev­
MOntenegro is not strong enough to protect the er, the response from the local community was
heritage sites from looting, and even illicit trade slow and weak but once the local community
of looted finds. Therefore, in the frame of the was reached they have helped in the process of
project, a special communication and informa­ promotion, as was noticed by the interest for the
tion protolol had to be established to protect the inclusion in the platform from destinations and
providers of the diving-cultural tourist products providers that were not included in the project.
from being recognized as illegal visitors and po­
tential threat for heritage. Fortunately, a project When considering tourists, and especially
partnership included a collaborators already be­ in the field of cultural tourism, there is a basic
ing familiar with the situation and also collabo­ rule that a tourist has to have a positive experi­
rating with institutions for the protection of law ence. The problems begin when we start target­
and order. ing tourists. At the beginning of the project, the
main ide was that new products will attract the
Upon solving afore mentioned problems, so called cultural tourists, that are highly moti­
a new cultural trail has been designed, uniting vated, but also have other positive characteris­
destinations along the eastern Adriatic coast: tics, all connected with the financial side of the
Izola, Mali Lošinj, Prvić and Budva. Although sustainability of the tourism market,15 in our
the cultural trails are expected to connect the ex­ case of the local community. A specific product,
isting historical trails, the creation of new ones combining heritage with diving, had to involve a
is allowed in such cases as in this project, when different kind of tourists – diving tourists. Anal­
they enable the promotion of the heritage13 and ysys of their characteristics have shown that div­
ensure the sustainability for the local communi­ ing tourists only in part share similar charac­
ty, based on the cultural tourism. teristics with cultural tourists. That is why a
compromise had to be made before packaging
Partner consortium continued the work on by including a large but not very specific type of
the project and developed a variety of activities tourists – mostly families, instead of tipical di­
like networking, educational workshops, mar­ vin gor typical cultural tourists.
ket research in order to conceptualize, devel­
op and promote new tourism product. All these This has impacted a final stage of pack­
goals are in line with an ICOMOS Internation­ aging. Since products had to be appealing to a
quite large group with not necessarily similar in­
12 The most complete oveview is published in Karović, Gordana. »Po- terests, new contents had to be added to prod­
dvodna arheološka nalazišta crnogorskog podmorja.” Godišnjak ucts. We have decided to overcome this problem
Pomorskog muzeja u Kotoru LV-LVI (2008): 425-451.
14 ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o kulturnem turizmu« in
13 ICOMOS. “Listina o kulturnih poteh.” Doktrina 2: Mednarodne Doktrina 1: Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek
listine in dokumenti ICOMOS, uredil: Jovo Grobovšek, (Ljublja- (Ljubljana: združenje ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 61-67.
na: Združenje ICOMOS/SI, 2008), 29–44.
15 Ted Silberberg, »Cultural tourism and business opportunities«,
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