Page 23 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
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ia universitatistural heritage and the necessity of the active in­ salso an existing underwater historical park,8 as
project atas – ancient tr aps of the adr iatic sea 23 tergration of museums in the field of cultural to­ well as many other underwater sites with a gre­
urism. at potential for their promotion and inclusion in
the cultural tourism products.9 However, seve­
Creating the idea of uniting several destina­ ral problems have arised in locations in island of
tions in one promotional platform and combini­ Prvić in Croatia and in Montenegro.
nig diving and specific cultural heritage seemed
as an ideal setting for creation of new tourist The island of Prvić has no underwater heri­
products at the beginning. Two of destinations tage sites in the exact vicinity. This problem was
have archeological parks suitable for tourists and solved by creating the list of existing archaeologi­
amateur divers. Museums are also present in all cal sites, published at the site of Croatian Minis­
destinations or in their vicinity, as well as histo­ tery of Culture and mentioned in the publicati­
rical background. Also, all destinations are loca­ ons.10 Also, a Municipal museum in Biograd na
ted in growing tourism region of Adriatic and moru was included in the package.11 For a final
are in proximity to major European markets for selection of sites, local diving clubs were consul­
scuba tourism like Germany and Austria. The ted. The problem that arose was the existance of
destination in Slovenia included the Archaeolo­ a protective measure that includes a yearly con­
gical park in the Simon's bay in Izola. At this spe­ cession for the diving clubs and diving at these
cific destination many of the previous activities sites. Although the measure has the main goal
have included building contents and infrastruc­ to enhance the collaboration in protection, mo­
ture for the promotion of the Roman maritime nitoring and promotion of the underwater heri­
villa and its surrounding area. These included tage, the local diving clubs interpreted the me­
the underwater archaeological park, interpreta­ asure as financially non attrative, so they rather
tional centre and biking and hiking heritage tra­ than paying for it decide not to dive at the ppro­
ils in the surrounding area. The inclusion od the tected sites. On the other hand the measure is li­
site in the promotional platform, international mited in number so it often happens that foreign
networking with similar destinations and crea­ diving clubs pay for it but do not dive at these lo­
tion of the specific tourist products in collabo­ cations. Since these problem scan not be solved
ration with local SME's was a logical next step with a single project and are to be solved on the
in its development.7 Besides the already mentio­ national level, in the frame of the project financi­
ned underwater heritage, the island of Lošinj has
8 The underwater historical park presents different attractions from
Silberberg, »Cultural tourism and business opportunities for mu- different historical periods but it is arising questions about the au-
seums and heritage sites«. Tourism Management 16/5 (1995): 361-365. thenitcity. Since it has been created as a tourist product with a goal
7 Lazar, Irena, (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival of the Archae- of presenting island's heritage in an attractive way, it serves its pur-
ological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual (Koper: Založba Univerze pose well and the autheticity will not be a subject of further discus-
na Primorskem, 2016); Irena Lazar, »Short description of the pro- sion in this paper.
ject and project collaborators.« In Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Ar-
chaeology for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project 9 Zrinka Ettinger Starčić, Underwater archaeological sites; Radmila
Manual, Koper (Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016): 8–15; Ire- Matejčić and Marijan Orlić, Rezultati prve faze hidroarheoloških istra-
na Lazar, Mateja Ravnik, Katarina Šmid, »New contents fort he vi- živanja u cresko-lošinjskim vodama. Arheološka istraživanja na otocima
sitors and tourists – heritage trails«, in Lazar, Irena (ed.), Project AS. Cresu i Lošinju. Znanstveni skup, Mali Lošinj, 11.-13. listopada 1979 (Za-
Archaeology for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Pro- greb: Hrvatsko arheološko društvo, 1982), 161-169; Marijan Orlić,
ject Manual (Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016), 166– Podmorsko arheološko nalazište Ilovik. Arheološka istraživanja na otoci-
183; Irena Lazar, Zrinka Mileusnić, »Projekt AS in arheologija kot ma Cresu i Lošinju. Znanstveni skup, Mali Lošinj, 11.-13. listopada 1979
kulturni turizem.« Studia Universitatis Hereditati 3/1 (2015), 75-85; (Zagreb: Hrvatsko arheološko društvo, 1982), 153-159; Irena Radić
Zrinka Mileusnić, »Cultural tourism and cultural tourists – basic Rossi (ed.), Archeologia subacque in Croazia. Studi e ricerche (Venezia:
concepts.« In Lazar, Irena (ed.), Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival Memorie Mediterranee, 2006).
of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual (Koper: Za-
ložba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016), 104-108; Zrinka Mileusnić, 10 SOURCE 5 Registar kulturnih dobara, Ministarstvo kulture Re-
»The Project AS and archaeology as a cultural tourism.« In Lazar, pubilke Hrvatske;
Irena (ed.), Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival of the Archaeological Radić Rossi, Irena ed. Archeologia subacque in Croazia. Studi e ricerche.
park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual (Koper: Založba Univerze na Pri- Venezia: Memorie Mediterranee, 2006.
morskem, 2016), 16-17.
11 In the Municipal museum of Biograd remains of a trade ship from
the 16th century, sunken in the vicinity are displayed.
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