Page 21 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 21
ia Project ATAS – Ancient traps of the Adriatic Seauniversitatis
21 Objectives, obstacles and results with focus
on the cultural and heritage tourism

Zrinka Mileusnić, University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities

Projekt ATAS – Antične pasti jadranskega morja je rezultat sodelovanja štirih različnih projektnih
partnerjev iz Hrvaške, Črne gore in Slovenije. Glavni cilj projekta je bil vzpostaviti mrežo standard-
iziranih turističnih produktov s poudarkom na podvodni dediščini Jadrana. V prispevku predstavlja-
mo glavne cilje in rezultate projekta, vendar tudi opozarjamo na potencialne ovire z vidika kulturnega
in dediščinskega turizma.
Ključne besede: podvodna dediščina, kulturni turizem, potapljaški turizem, promocija dediščine

Project ATAS – Ancient Traps of Adriatic Sea is the result of collaboration of four different project
partners from Croatia, Montenegro and Slovenia. The main objective of the project was to establish a
network of standardised tourist products with focus on underwater heritage of Adriatic. This paper pre-
sents the main project objectives and results, but also reminds of the potential obstacles from the per-
spective of the cultural and heritage tourism.
Keywords: underwater heritage, cultural tourism, diving tourism, promotion of heritage

Introduction ropean Maritime and Fisheries Fund Work 2015
and the specific action Thematic touristic routes
Project ATAS (Ancient traps of the Adri- on underwater cultural heritage1.
atic Sea) is the result of partnership and
common goals of four different partner The main goal of the project consortium
institutions from three eastern Adriatic coun- was to establish a common online platform with
tries – Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro, form- a set of standardised tourist products as the ba-
ing a public-private consortium. Under the co- sis for creation of a network of similar Adriatic
ordination of the lead partner City of Mali destinations with specific tourist products. The
Lošinj (Croatia), partners DF agencija d.o.o. za main objective of the creation of such a platform
fotografiju i zastupanje u fotografiji (Croatia), was to enable SMEs and other institutions to
University of Primorska (Slovenia) and Hidro- ease the promotion and visibility of similar small
mont engeenering (Montenegro), have collabo- scale tourist products for the specific target au-
rated on the creation and the design of a multi- dience, that could not be achieved by individual
faceted project proposal that has been rewarded approach and without networking. Specific goal
the grant for its implementation through the was to create tourist products for divers with the
EASME (Executive Agency tor Small and Me- focus on the underwater heritage with additonal
dium-sized Enterprises of the European Com- objectives of creating a cultural trail to increase
mission) programme Implementation of the Eu- the overall visibility of underwater heritage and

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