Page 22 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 22
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 22raise awareness of its preservation, of enhancingral tourism but are still not well recognizable at
diversification in tourism offer, improving com­ European tourism market. In order to raise the
hereditatipetitiveness of destinations, extending the sea­identity of the future cultural-diving tourist pro­
son and ensuring greater sustainability for SMEs ducts, the specific underwater heritage was cho­
in the form of longer term employment. sen to be included – the underwater heritage of
the Roman period. This choice was based on the
Network of destinations, along with above fact that the lead partner – the City of Mali Lo­
mentioned promotion goals of tourist products, šinj has already been building its recognition on
had an objective of raising awareness of european the European tourist market by promoting the
underwater heritage and creating synergies pro­ underwater heritage Apoxyomen, a bronze sta­
voking more interest and reinforcing this speci­ tue o fan Greek athlete that sunk in the Roman
fic cultural heritage as motive for travel, resulting period in the vicinity of the island.4 In order to
with the creation of the product that comprised promote it in the best possible way and make it
different types of tourism – diving and cultural accessible to the greatest number of visitors, the
tourism while creating a starting point, or initi­ city built a contemporary museum, presenting a
atl cultural route, for the potential development broader story about the heritage while displaying
of several cultural routes. only the original statue as the only exhibit.

Goals, obstacles and results This experience added another elelmet
For the implementation of the project partners to the product – the need of combinig the un­
have chosen four main destinations connected derwater heritage in situ (accessible only by di­
with their main activities: Mali Lošinj (Island ving) with the obligatory visit to the museum,
of Lošinj, Croatia), Luka Prvić (Island of Prvić, and thus enabling the comprehensice experien­
Croatia), Izola (Slovenia) and Budva (Montene­ ce and understanding of underwater heritage.5
gro). The initial idea was developed by the part­ This idea was in line with several international
ner in Prvić Luka (Croatia) who is involved in documents6 dealing with the promotion of cul­
the swimming tourism network and is offering
standardised products all over the world.2 The 4 Zrinka Ettinger Starčić, Underwater archaeological sites of the Lošinj
goal was to use the know-how and apply it to an­ Archipelago (Mali Lošinj, 2013).
other type of tourism – diving tourism.
At all destinations diving tourism offer alre­ derwater-cultural-heritage/2001-convention/ (1.5.2017); SOUR-
ady exists through the activities of licensed di­ CE 3 Manual for Activities directed at Underwater Cultural He-
ving clubs and in the form of different kind of ritage. Eds. Thijs J. Maarleveld, Ulrike Guérin, Barbara Egger.
diving activities, mainly focused on the leisure UNESCO publications (2013).
divers. That is why the product needed a specific c u lt u re/t he me s/u nder w ater- c u lt u r a l-her it a ge/pu bl ic at ion s-re-
subject or additional attractive content to make sources/publications/ (1.5.2017).
it different and recognisable. It was decided to
include the underwater cultural heritage, based 6 Zrinka Mileusnić, »Cultural tourism and cultural tourists – basic
on the rapid increase of demand in production concepts.« in Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival
and consumption of heritage attractions in the of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual (Koper: Za-
frame of European cultural tourism.3 ložba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016), 104-108; ICOMOS, »Med-
narodna listina o kulturnem turizmu« in Doktrina 1: Mednaro-
At all chosen locations or in their vicinity, dne listine ICOMOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje
there are different underwater sites. Some of the­ ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 61-67; ICOMOS. “Listina o interpretaciji in
se sites are already exploited in the form of cultu­ predstavitvi območij kulturne dediščine.” Doktrina 2: Mednaro-
dne listine in dokumenti ICOMOS, uredil: Jovo Grobovšek, (Lju-
2 SOURCE 6: bljana: Združenje ICOMOS/SI, 2008), 45–53; ICOMOS, »Med-
3 Greg Richards, »Production and consumption of European Cul- narodna listina o ohranjanju in upravljanju arheološke dediščine
(Lausannska listina)« in Doktrina 1: Mednarodne listine ICO-
tural Tourism«. Annals of Tourism Research 23/2 (1996): 261-283. MOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje ICOMOS/SI,
1999), 45-50; SOURCE 2
themes/underwater-cultural-heritage/2001-convention/ (1.5.2017);
SOURCE 3 Manual for Activities directed at Underwater Cultu-
ral Heritage. Eds. Thijs J. Maarleveld, Ulrike Guérin, Barbara Eg-
ger. UNESCO (2013); Role of Museums in Education and Cultural
Tourism Development: Policy Brief. UNESCO (2012), Kyev; Ted
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