Page 79 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 79
ia universitatis The “Bungee jumping” skyscraper, 40 me Accomodation Capacities
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 79 ters tall, built at the end of the Slovenian beach, According to last available datas from 2015 Bud
has been a real attraction for fans of extreme va has 84 accommodation facility; 56,312 beds in
sports in the past years. 38 large hotels (3 hotels 5 *, 17 hotels 4 *, 12 hotels
3 *, 5 hotels 2 *, 1 hotel 1 *); Hotel Garni( 5 hotels
Paragliding – one of the most famous par 4 *, 8 hotels 3 *, 1 hotel 2 *); 17 little hotels( 1 hotel
agliding jets in the Adriatic is located just above 5 *, 7 hotels 4 *, 6 hotels 3 *, 3 hotels 2 *); 2 Apart
Budva, at Brajići, at 760 m above sea level. An in Hotel ( 1 hotel 4 *, 1 hotel 2 *); 2 tourist resorts
credible view of the Budva Bay makes this jump ( 1 village 4 *, 1 village 3 *); 4 bed and breakfast(
er one of the most popular. Extreme climatic 2 pansion 3 *, 1 pansion 2 *, 1 *); 55 accommoda
benefits – a wind that provides a safe, and also tion units / 135 beds in tourist apartments; 17,857
exciting flight, seasickness and panorama of the rooms for rent; 1 camp; 1 hostel; 3 resorts.
Budva Riviera, makes paragliding to your fa
vorite extreme sports. Budva as the leading tourist destination of
Montenegro is characterized by a very good
Rafting on the river Tara. and varied offer of accommodation capaci-
ties. 60% of all hotel facilities in Montene-
Budva is Montenegro’s most popular tourist gro are concentrated in Budva, where a large
destination and has a wide range of cultural number of high category hotels (4 and 5 *)
and sporting activities that make it an even are present. This kind of hotel offer can at-
more attractive product for diving tourism, tract market segments of leisure divers and
especially considering that 80% of this mar- divers who travel with families who gener-
ket is just a segment of recreational diving ally have high income research and prefer
and those traveling with families you should high-quality or luxurious accommodation.
also design attractive non-diving programs A large number of hotels also point to fa-
and activities. vorable opportunities for the formation of
tourist products in pre-season and post-sea-
This is the advantage of Budva and the im- son.
mediate vicinity of the two NPs: Lovćen (37
km) and Skadar Lake (40 km) where you Accessibility Of Destination
can also dive.
Traffic connection
Particular attraction of Budva are sandy
beaches (35), which is the specificity of the Airport of Podgorica (65km) - Avio traffic
Montenegrean sea coast in relation to the on regular routes is maintained by Montene
entire Adriatic coast of the Adriatic Sea and gro Airlines, Air Serbia, Adria Airways, Aer
can be of particular interest to the segment oflot, Turkish Airlines, Austrian Airways, Al
of divers traveling with families. italia, Smartwings, ... and during the summer
and numerous charter companies. Flights and 3
Budva has a significant number of archae- low-cost airlines: RyanAir and Wizair, Easyjet,
ological remains from the antiquity period which in recent years have introduced a num
that are found in the Old Town, but none ber of new flights to Western European destina
has been adequately restored and presented. tions. The airport and Budva are not connected
Although the archaeological museum pos- by regular road transport.
sesses a wealth of antique collections, it has
not been modernized in the artifacts’ pres- Tivat (20 km) - There are very few flights
entation and does not include the multime- during the season although there are regular reg
dia that is needed today in order to apologize ular flights to several international destinations.
to the interesting and complete story of an- During the summer season there are many char
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 79 ters tall, built at the end of the Slovenian beach, According to last available datas from 2015 Bud
has been a real attraction for fans of extreme va has 84 accommodation facility; 56,312 beds in
sports in the past years. 38 large hotels (3 hotels 5 *, 17 hotels 4 *, 12 hotels
3 *, 5 hotels 2 *, 1 hotel 1 *); Hotel Garni( 5 hotels
Paragliding – one of the most famous par 4 *, 8 hotels 3 *, 1 hotel 2 *); 17 little hotels( 1 hotel
agliding jets in the Adriatic is located just above 5 *, 7 hotels 4 *, 6 hotels 3 *, 3 hotels 2 *); 2 Apart
Budva, at Brajići, at 760 m above sea level. An in Hotel ( 1 hotel 4 *, 1 hotel 2 *); 2 tourist resorts
credible view of the Budva Bay makes this jump ( 1 village 4 *, 1 village 3 *); 4 bed and breakfast(
er one of the most popular. Extreme climatic 2 pansion 3 *, 1 pansion 2 *, 1 *); 55 accommoda
benefits – a wind that provides a safe, and also tion units / 135 beds in tourist apartments; 17,857
exciting flight, seasickness and panorama of the rooms for rent; 1 camp; 1 hostel; 3 resorts.
Budva Riviera, makes paragliding to your fa
vorite extreme sports. Budva as the leading tourist destination of
Montenegro is characterized by a very good
Rafting on the river Tara. and varied offer of accommodation capaci-
ties. 60% of all hotel facilities in Montene-
Budva is Montenegro’s most popular tourist gro are concentrated in Budva, where a large
destination and has a wide range of cultural number of high category hotels (4 and 5 *)
and sporting activities that make it an even are present. This kind of hotel offer can at-
more attractive product for diving tourism, tract market segments of leisure divers and
especially considering that 80% of this mar- divers who travel with families who gener-
ket is just a segment of recreational diving ally have high income research and prefer
and those traveling with families you should high-quality or luxurious accommodation.
also design attractive non-diving programs A large number of hotels also point to fa-
and activities. vorable opportunities for the formation of
tourist products in pre-season and post-sea-
This is the advantage of Budva and the im- son.
mediate vicinity of the two NPs: Lovćen (37
km) and Skadar Lake (40 km) where you Accessibility Of Destination
can also dive.
Traffic connection
Particular attraction of Budva are sandy
beaches (35), which is the specificity of the Airport of Podgorica (65km) - Avio traffic
Montenegrean sea coast in relation to the on regular routes is maintained by Montene
entire Adriatic coast of the Adriatic Sea and gro Airlines, Air Serbia, Adria Airways, Aer
can be of particular interest to the segment oflot, Turkish Airlines, Austrian Airways, Al
of divers traveling with families. italia, Smartwings, ... and during the summer
and numerous charter companies. Flights and 3
Budva has a significant number of archae- low-cost airlines: RyanAir and Wizair, Easyjet,
ological remains from the antiquity period which in recent years have introduced a num
that are found in the Old Town, but none ber of new flights to Western European destina
has been adequately restored and presented. tions. The airport and Budva are not connected
Although the archaeological museum pos- by regular road transport.
sesses a wealth of antique collections, it has
not been modernized in the artifacts’ pres- Tivat (20 km) - There are very few flights
entation and does not include the multime- during the season although there are regular reg
dia that is needed today in order to apologize ular flights to several international destinations.
to the interesting and complete story of an- During the summer season there are many char