Page 65 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 65
ia universitatisBowls With Everted Rim From Stubline
65- An Emblematic Vessel Type Of Late Vinča Culture
Miloš Spasić, Belgrade City Museum, Belgrade
Saša Živanović, Beograd
Dragana Stojić, Belgrade City Museum, Belgrade
Sklede z uvihanim ustjem so razprostranjene po celotnem območju centralnega Balkana kot eden iz-
med najbolj pogostih tipov Vinča D naselbin. Najverjetneje so bile uporabljane kot sklede oziroma kro-
žniki za postrežbo tekoče ali trdne hrane. Skupno je bilo analiziranih 160 skled iz pozno vinčanskega
naselja Stubline z namenom izpeljave možnih trendov interpretacije tipoloških, funkcionalnih in pro-
storsko-časovnih vidikov skled z uvihanim ustjem pozno vinčanske kulture. Rezultati analize so bili sta-
tistično kvantificirani z namenom preverbe možnih trendov v izdelovanju tovrstnih posod.
Ključne besede: sklede z uvihanim ustjem, Stubline, neolitik, vinčanska kultura
Bowls with everted rim are distributed over the vast territory of Central Balkans, as one of the most fre-
quent bowl type from numerous Vinča D settlements. They were probably used as consumption bowls
or plates for consuming of both liquid and solid food. Total number of 160 bowls from Late Vinča cul-
ture site of Stubline was analysed in order to mark possible trends in interpretation of typological, func-
tional and spatiotemporal aspects of bowls with everted rim from Late Vinča culture. Analysis results
were statistically quantified in order to check whether there are possible trends in production of bowls
with everted rim.
Key words: Bowls with everted rim, Stubline, Neolithic, Vinča culture
The archaeological site Crkvine at Stub-
line (Republic of Serbia) rests on an elon- line lies in the micro-region called Drenski Vis,
gated plateau of about 12.5 hectares, at located in the Posavina-Tamnava region, which
was marked by dense population in the Late Ne-
an altitude between 100 m and 120 m (Crno- olithic. Within a range of only a few dozen kilo-
brnja 2012; Spasić 2012a; Spasić 2013; Crnobrnja metres from Stubline, a significant number of
2014). The dimensions of the plateau, measured settlements that belonged to the Vinča culture
from the outermost points, reach approximate- have been identified. Judging by their material
ly 620×380 metres (Figure 1). In the Neolithic, culture, these settlements must have existed si-
the flat plateau was surrounded by two stream multaneously at least for a short period of time
beds on the north and south side. The water- between 4800 BC and 4600 BC.
course to the north is today dry, while the south The first archaeological explorations at
side of the site is still enclosed by the small river Stubline were undertaken in 1967 by Jovan
of Trstenica. The two watercourses joined in the Todorović, the curator of the Prehistoric Collec-
south-western part of the settlement, where the tion of the Belgrade City Museum (Todorović
terrain sloped steeply down into a large denive- 1967; Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2016). On that
lation. In a broader geographical context, Stub- occasion, a small probe measuring 16 m2 was in-
65- An Emblematic Vessel Type Of Late Vinča Culture
Miloš Spasić, Belgrade City Museum, Belgrade
Saša Živanović, Beograd
Dragana Stojić, Belgrade City Museum, Belgrade
Sklede z uvihanim ustjem so razprostranjene po celotnem območju centralnega Balkana kot eden iz-
med najbolj pogostih tipov Vinča D naselbin. Najverjetneje so bile uporabljane kot sklede oziroma kro-
žniki za postrežbo tekoče ali trdne hrane. Skupno je bilo analiziranih 160 skled iz pozno vinčanskega
naselja Stubline z namenom izpeljave možnih trendov interpretacije tipoloških, funkcionalnih in pro-
storsko-časovnih vidikov skled z uvihanim ustjem pozno vinčanske kulture. Rezultati analize so bili sta-
tistično kvantificirani z namenom preverbe možnih trendov v izdelovanju tovrstnih posod.
Ključne besede: sklede z uvihanim ustjem, Stubline, neolitik, vinčanska kultura
Bowls with everted rim are distributed over the vast territory of Central Balkans, as one of the most fre-
quent bowl type from numerous Vinča D settlements. They were probably used as consumption bowls
or plates for consuming of both liquid and solid food. Total number of 160 bowls from Late Vinča cul-
ture site of Stubline was analysed in order to mark possible trends in interpretation of typological, func-
tional and spatiotemporal aspects of bowls with everted rim from Late Vinča culture. Analysis results
were statistically quantified in order to check whether there are possible trends in production of bowls
with everted rim.
Key words: Bowls with everted rim, Stubline, Neolithic, Vinča culture
The archaeological site Crkvine at Stub-
line (Republic of Serbia) rests on an elon- line lies in the micro-region called Drenski Vis,
gated plateau of about 12.5 hectares, at located in the Posavina-Tamnava region, which
was marked by dense population in the Late Ne-
an altitude between 100 m and 120 m (Crno- olithic. Within a range of only a few dozen kilo-
brnja 2012; Spasić 2012a; Spasić 2013; Crnobrnja metres from Stubline, a significant number of
2014). The dimensions of the plateau, measured settlements that belonged to the Vinča culture
from the outermost points, reach approximate- have been identified. Judging by their material
ly 620×380 metres (Figure 1). In the Neolithic, culture, these settlements must have existed si-
the flat plateau was surrounded by two stream multaneously at least for a short period of time
beds on the north and south side. The water- between 4800 BC and 4600 BC.
course to the north is today dry, while the south The first archaeological explorations at
side of the site is still enclosed by the small river Stubline were undertaken in 1967 by Jovan
of Trstenica. The two watercourses joined in the Todorović, the curator of the Prehistoric Collec-
south-western part of the settlement, where the tion of the Belgrade City Museum (Todorović
terrain sloped steeply down into a large denive- 1967; Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2016). On that
lation. In a broader geographical context, Stub- occasion, a small probe measuring 16 m2 was in-