Page 67 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 67
ia universitatis The geomagnetic prospecting and exca- ing, too. In the last decades before the settlement
bowls with everted r im from stubline 67 vations have confirmed that it was only in the began to spread to the west, houses had occupied
Late Neolithic that the entire area of the site the almost entire eastern area of the plateau.
was used. The communities of the Baden culture The population growth required for conquer-
also used, in some way, the entire area of the pla- ing new areas and the double system of trench-
teau, as indicated by the presence of the Baden es surrounding the primary village was buried
ceramics in all of the investigated probes at the so that the settlement may spread into the west-
site. Avar and medieval graves have so far been ern part of the plateau. Over time, about eighty
found in the westernmost section of the site and houses were built in the new area and the new
they were dug into the layers that belonged to settlement, which then covered the entire pla-
the Vinča culture (Bugarski et al. 2013). teau, could have had, at one point, more than
two hundred houses (Spasić 2013).
At least two construction phases can be
traced in the vertical stratigraphy of the Vinča So far Neolithic site of Stubline gained
culture settlement at Stubline. Both phases are much of the scholar attention mainly due to
to be associated with late horizons of the Vinča the exceptionally elaborate ground plan of the
culture – Vinča D1 and Vinča D2 (Spasić 2013). settlement observed on the geomagnetic plan
Therefore, based on the results of the excavations (Crnobrnja 2014), as well as owing to remarka-
carried out so far, the Neolithic horizon at Stub- ble group find of 43 figurines (Crnobrnja 2011;
line could be divided into two phases: Stubline Spasić 2014) and other so called cult finds (Spasić
Ia (Vinča D1 phase in the eastern part of the pla- 2012a; Spasić 2012b). Elaborate publication of
teau) and Stubline Ib (Vinča D2 phase through- house inventories and structures from Stubline
out the plateau), with the possibility for further significantly contributed to the Vinča/culture
subdivisions. The fact that the previous analy- household archaeology (Crnobrnja, Simić and
sis of the entire corpus of material culture (es- Janković 2009; Crnobrnja 2012; Spasić 2012a;
pecially pottery) indicates that the life of the Spasić 2012b; Spasić 2013; Spasić and Živanović
Vinča culture settlement spanned a chronolog- 2015; Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2015; Spasić,
ical range not much longer than 200 to 250 years Živanović and Stojić 2016).
(4850/4800–4650/4600 BC) seems to be excep-
tionally important for the analysis of the hori- Pottery Production At Stubline
zons and the understanding of the dynamics of Fragmented and whole vessels makes the great-
activities and space production at Stubline. est part of the collection of objects originating
from the excavations at Stubline. This part of
The earlier settlement was built during the the collection includes more than 200,000 frag-
Vinča D1 period (ca. 4850/4800 BC) in the east- ments (Spasić 2013). The corpus of pottery from
ern section of the plateau and it included about Stubline is exceptionally uniform in terms of
120 houses (Spasić 2013). With the present body style and typology, with pottery types that show
of knowledge, it is impossible to hypothesize only slight typological divergence and varia-
where the primary zone of origin of the settle- tions. Metric analyses also reveal the uniformity
ment, whence it later spread, had been located. in terms of the dimensions of individual types
It is unlikely that all of the houses in the earli- of vessels. All these facts could indicate a cer-
er part of the village were built at the same time tain level of standardization in pottery produc-
and it seems more realistic to assume that the vil- tion, as already observed in the analyses of pot-
lage was “growing” around the primary core. At tery originating from other Vinča-culture sites.
a certain period, the earlier settlement was pro-
tected by a system of double deep trenches. As A macroscopic analysis of the pottery re-
time was passing, the Vinča community at Stub- veals the existence of two somewhat different
line was growing. And the settlement was grow- pottery technologies at Stubline (Spasić 2013).
bowls with everted r im from stubline 67 vations have confirmed that it was only in the began to spread to the west, houses had occupied
Late Neolithic that the entire area of the site the almost entire eastern area of the plateau.
was used. The communities of the Baden culture The population growth required for conquer-
also used, in some way, the entire area of the pla- ing new areas and the double system of trench-
teau, as indicated by the presence of the Baden es surrounding the primary village was buried
ceramics in all of the investigated probes at the so that the settlement may spread into the west-
site. Avar and medieval graves have so far been ern part of the plateau. Over time, about eighty
found in the westernmost section of the site and houses were built in the new area and the new
they were dug into the layers that belonged to settlement, which then covered the entire pla-
the Vinča culture (Bugarski et al. 2013). teau, could have had, at one point, more than
two hundred houses (Spasić 2013).
At least two construction phases can be
traced in the vertical stratigraphy of the Vinča So far Neolithic site of Stubline gained
culture settlement at Stubline. Both phases are much of the scholar attention mainly due to
to be associated with late horizons of the Vinča the exceptionally elaborate ground plan of the
culture – Vinča D1 and Vinča D2 (Spasić 2013). settlement observed on the geomagnetic plan
Therefore, based on the results of the excavations (Crnobrnja 2014), as well as owing to remarka-
carried out so far, the Neolithic horizon at Stub- ble group find of 43 figurines (Crnobrnja 2011;
line could be divided into two phases: Stubline Spasić 2014) and other so called cult finds (Spasić
Ia (Vinča D1 phase in the eastern part of the pla- 2012a; Spasić 2012b). Elaborate publication of
teau) and Stubline Ib (Vinča D2 phase through- house inventories and structures from Stubline
out the plateau), with the possibility for further significantly contributed to the Vinča/culture
subdivisions. The fact that the previous analy- household archaeology (Crnobrnja, Simić and
sis of the entire corpus of material culture (es- Janković 2009; Crnobrnja 2012; Spasić 2012a;
pecially pottery) indicates that the life of the Spasić 2012b; Spasić 2013; Spasić and Živanović
Vinča culture settlement spanned a chronolog- 2015; Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2015; Spasić,
ical range not much longer than 200 to 250 years Živanović and Stojić 2016).
(4850/4800–4650/4600 BC) seems to be excep-
tionally important for the analysis of the hori- Pottery Production At Stubline
zons and the understanding of the dynamics of Fragmented and whole vessels makes the great-
activities and space production at Stubline. est part of the collection of objects originating
from the excavations at Stubline. This part of
The earlier settlement was built during the the collection includes more than 200,000 frag-
Vinča D1 period (ca. 4850/4800 BC) in the east- ments (Spasić 2013). The corpus of pottery from
ern section of the plateau and it included about Stubline is exceptionally uniform in terms of
120 houses (Spasić 2013). With the present body style and typology, with pottery types that show
of knowledge, it is impossible to hypothesize only slight typological divergence and varia-
where the primary zone of origin of the settle- tions. Metric analyses also reveal the uniformity
ment, whence it later spread, had been located. in terms of the dimensions of individual types
It is unlikely that all of the houses in the earli- of vessels. All these facts could indicate a cer-
er part of the village were built at the same time tain level of standardization in pottery produc-
and it seems more realistic to assume that the vil- tion, as already observed in the analyses of pot-
lage was “growing” around the primary core. At tery originating from other Vinča-culture sites.
a certain period, the earlier settlement was pro-
tected by a system of double deep trenches. As A macroscopic analysis of the pottery re-
time was passing, the Vinča community at Stub- veals the existence of two somewhat different
line was growing. And the settlement was grow- pottery technologies at Stubline (Spasić 2013).