Page 70 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 70
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 70upper part (Figure 3/T1/1; also finds 1–44); 2.
Bowls with small and sharp upper part (Figure
hereditati 3/T1/2; also finds 45–49); 3. Bowls with longer
upper part (Figure 3/T1/3; also finds 50–53), 4.
Bowls with thickened rim (Figure 3/T1/4; also
finds 54–59). Two other types of bowls with
everted rim are far less present in the corpus
from Stubline. Second type is characterized by
the very shallow recipient and everted rim (Fig-
ure 3/T2; also finds 60–63). Only five such bowls
were analysed from Stubline. Those vessels could
be sought as real plates. Third type of the bowls
with everted rim is actually a small-sized and
miniature vessel that resembles the form of the
original (Figure 3/T3; also finds 64–68). There
are six such bowls with rim diameter smaller
than 11 cm. Function of those small vessels was
probably different than those of the regular sized
ones, or their principal users were not the same
also (i.e. children?).
Metric Analysis
Considering metric parameters Stubline corpus
represent uniform class of vessels. Three stand-
ard measures were taken, rim diameter, base di-
ameter and height of the vessel. There were 145
bowls whose rim diameter could be measured.
Diameter was taken from the inner part of the
Figure 3. Basic types of the bowls with everted rim Figure 4. Analyzed measures of bowls with everted rim
(Belgrade City Museum archive) (Belgrade City Museum archive)
merous varieties based on the shape and/or size rim lip (Figure 4). Rim diameters are clustered
of the rim, lip and shoulder of the bowls could in five solid metric groups, and three more with
be observed. Most important varieties of the first only one present specimen (Figure 5). Majority
type include: 1. Bowls with small and rounded of bowls with everted rim fall in the 16–20 cm
Bowls with small and sharp upper part (Figure
hereditati 3/T1/2; also finds 45–49); 3. Bowls with longer
upper part (Figure 3/T1/3; also finds 50–53), 4.
Bowls with thickened rim (Figure 3/T1/4; also
finds 54–59). Two other types of bowls with
everted rim are far less present in the corpus
from Stubline. Second type is characterized by
the very shallow recipient and everted rim (Fig-
ure 3/T2; also finds 60–63). Only five such bowls
were analysed from Stubline. Those vessels could
be sought as real plates. Third type of the bowls
with everted rim is actually a small-sized and
miniature vessel that resembles the form of the
original (Figure 3/T3; also finds 64–68). There
are six such bowls with rim diameter smaller
than 11 cm. Function of those small vessels was
probably different than those of the regular sized
ones, or their principal users were not the same
also (i.e. children?).
Metric Analysis
Considering metric parameters Stubline corpus
represent uniform class of vessels. Three stand-
ard measures were taken, rim diameter, base di-
ameter and height of the vessel. There were 145
bowls whose rim diameter could be measured.
Diameter was taken from the inner part of the
Figure 3. Basic types of the bowls with everted rim Figure 4. Analyzed measures of bowls with everted rim
(Belgrade City Museum archive) (Belgrade City Museum archive)
merous varieties based on the shape and/or size rim lip (Figure 4). Rim diameters are clustered
of the rim, lip and shoulder of the bowls could in five solid metric groups, and three more with
be observed. Most important varieties of the first only one present specimen (Figure 5). Majority
type include: 1. Bowls with small and rounded of bowls with everted rim fall in the 16–20 cm