Page 68 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 68
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 68Although they shared some features, these tech-bowls with everted rim are typical shape for lat-
nologies differed in certain technological pro- er phase. Decoration techniques and ornamen-
hereditaticesses and they seem to have belonged to twotal patterns are typical for Late Vinča culture
different phases of life at Stubline. Ochre, grey pottery production also. Most characteristic or-
and dark grey pottery with an exceptionally namental motifs are simple channelled multi-
large amount of inorganic impurities, fired un- ple slanting or vertical lines organized into hori-
der conditions of complete and incomplete oxi- zontal band on the upper part of the vessels, and
dation, prevailed in the later phase (Stubline Ib). burnished vertical or slanting lines on the low-
The pottery from the earlier phase (Stubline Ia) er vessel parts. Finger impressions and applied
was considerably finer in facture, with a small- straps are typical ornaments for coarser pottery.
er amount of inorganic impurities, dark gray
and black in colour and usually baked under Bowls With Everted Rim
conditions of reduced oxidation. The presence Bowls represent the most common tableware
of pottery with an exceptionally large amount type at the majority of Vinča culture sites and
of inorganic impurities and vessels baked un- are considered as secure chronological index for
der different conditions is not directly associat- relative dating. Bowls with everted rim were rec-
ed with a specific type or function of a vessel. In ognized as Late Vinča culture Leitfossils very
the latest phases, inorganic ingredients (crushed late in terms of long history of traditional cul-
stone of varying granulation and sand) in pot- tural-historical archaeology (cf. Garašanin 1973,
tery amounted to between 20% and 30% of the 94, 95; Garašanin 1979, 179). They are distribut-
total weight (Spasić 2013). Accordingly, it may ed over the vast territory of Central Balkans, as
be claimed with great certainty that at a point one of the most frequent bowl type from numer-
in time a change occurred in pottery technolo- ous Vinča D settlements (cf. Madas 1988; Niko-
gy. All aspects of a technology are generally as- lić 2008; Spasić 2011; Vuković 2011; Jovanović
sumed to be one of the fundamental, very rigid 2015). Their chronological position and strong
and unvarying elements of the tradition of pre- prevalence in ceramic inventories within late
historic communities. Technological changes in Vinča D period is superbly confirmed in statis-
the pottery production at Stubline should there- tical analysis of pottery from multi-layered site
fore be analysed in the context of other changes of Grivac in Central Serbia, where bowls with
in the economic and socio-cultural matrix of the everted rims have more than 25% share of bowls
Vinča community. in Grivac VI horizon (Nikolić 2008, 197, fig. VI).
Vinča culture pottery corpus from Stub- Bowls with everted rim represent typi-
line includes all characteristic Vinča D vessel cal Vinča culture tableware. They were proba-
types (cf. Nikolić 2008; Spasić 2011). Three ba- bly used as consumption bowls and/or plates for
sic functional types include: 1. Food preparation consuming of both liquid and solid meals. The
vessels; 2. Storage vessels; 3. Tableware. In terms number of discarded bowls with everted rim is
of typology there are seven most characteris- very high as well as their number in house inven-
tic vessel types: bowls, cups, pots, caserolas, am- tories, which speaks in favour of claim that such
phorae, pithoi and lids. Observed chronological vessels were used individually. They were often
differences in pottery technologies from earlier used, broken, damaged and replaced with new
and later settlement phases coincide to some de- ones which also sustain the thesis that they were
gree with certain chrono-typological variations. common and suitable vessel form.
Two settlement phases could be also seen as the
times of the two bowl types. Biconical bowls Initial information from the first system-
with pronounced and/or thickened shoulder are atic field survey carried out at Stubline during
characteristic for earlier settlement phase, while 1966 was that surface finds collected from the
site include clay balls, bowls, axes, and other ma-
nologies differed in certain technological pro- er phase. Decoration techniques and ornamen-
hereditaticesses and they seem to have belonged to twotal patterns are typical for Late Vinča culture
different phases of life at Stubline. Ochre, grey pottery production also. Most characteristic or-
and dark grey pottery with an exceptionally namental motifs are simple channelled multi-
large amount of inorganic impurities, fired un- ple slanting or vertical lines organized into hori-
der conditions of complete and incomplete oxi- zontal band on the upper part of the vessels, and
dation, prevailed in the later phase (Stubline Ib). burnished vertical or slanting lines on the low-
The pottery from the earlier phase (Stubline Ia) er vessel parts. Finger impressions and applied
was considerably finer in facture, with a small- straps are typical ornaments for coarser pottery.
er amount of inorganic impurities, dark gray
and black in colour and usually baked under Bowls With Everted Rim
conditions of reduced oxidation. The presence Bowls represent the most common tableware
of pottery with an exceptionally large amount type at the majority of Vinča culture sites and
of inorganic impurities and vessels baked un- are considered as secure chronological index for
der different conditions is not directly associat- relative dating. Bowls with everted rim were rec-
ed with a specific type or function of a vessel. In ognized as Late Vinča culture Leitfossils very
the latest phases, inorganic ingredients (crushed late in terms of long history of traditional cul-
stone of varying granulation and sand) in pot- tural-historical archaeology (cf. Garašanin 1973,
tery amounted to between 20% and 30% of the 94, 95; Garašanin 1979, 179). They are distribut-
total weight (Spasić 2013). Accordingly, it may ed over the vast territory of Central Balkans, as
be claimed with great certainty that at a point one of the most frequent bowl type from numer-
in time a change occurred in pottery technolo- ous Vinča D settlements (cf. Madas 1988; Niko-
gy. All aspects of a technology are generally as- lić 2008; Spasić 2011; Vuković 2011; Jovanović
sumed to be one of the fundamental, very rigid 2015). Their chronological position and strong
and unvarying elements of the tradition of pre- prevalence in ceramic inventories within late
historic communities. Technological changes in Vinča D period is superbly confirmed in statis-
the pottery production at Stubline should there- tical analysis of pottery from multi-layered site
fore be analysed in the context of other changes of Grivac in Central Serbia, where bowls with
in the economic and socio-cultural matrix of the everted rims have more than 25% share of bowls
Vinča community. in Grivac VI horizon (Nikolić 2008, 197, fig. VI).
Vinča culture pottery corpus from Stub- Bowls with everted rim represent typi-
line includes all characteristic Vinča D vessel cal Vinča culture tableware. They were proba-
types (cf. Nikolić 2008; Spasić 2011). Three ba- bly used as consumption bowls and/or plates for
sic functional types include: 1. Food preparation consuming of both liquid and solid meals. The
vessels; 2. Storage vessels; 3. Tableware. In terms number of discarded bowls with everted rim is
of typology there are seven most characteris- very high as well as their number in house inven-
tic vessel types: bowls, cups, pots, caserolas, am- tories, which speaks in favour of claim that such
phorae, pithoi and lids. Observed chronological vessels were used individually. They were often
differences in pottery technologies from earlier used, broken, damaged and replaced with new
and later settlement phases coincide to some de- ones which also sustain the thesis that they were
gree with certain chrono-typological variations. common and suitable vessel form.
Two settlement phases could be also seen as the
times of the two bowl types. Biconical bowls Initial information from the first system-
with pronounced and/or thickened shoulder are atic field survey carried out at Stubline during
characteristic for earlier settlement phase, while 1966 was that surface finds collected from the
site include clay balls, bowls, axes, and other ma-