Page 66 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 66
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 66
Figure 1. Aerial photography of the Neolithic site at Stubline (Photo: Aleksandar Sivački)
vestigated in the farthest south-eastern section physical prospection of the site was carried out
of the settlement. Two settlement strata that between 2007 and 2011. The total area explored
had belonged to the Vinča culture were alleged- using geomagnetic prospection was about eight
ly identified: a later stratum, containing remains hectares, while the geo-electrical measurements
of houses above the ground, and an earlier one, of geophysical resistivity revealed vertical pro-
with pit-houses and semi-pit-houses (Todor- files reaching 1125 meters in length through the
ović 1967). Revision of material and documen- layers at the site.
tation from the first excavations carried out at
Stubline has shown that pits that were original- In a very simplified and concise matrix, the
ly identified as pit-houses are in fact waste pits stratification of cultural layers at Stubline re-
(Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2016). The system- veals four chronological phases in the use of the
atic archaeological excavations at Stubline began site (Spasić 2013). The horizon Stubline I corre-
in 2008, and they are still under way. During sponds to a Late Vinča culture settlement, Stub-
this period, three houses were fully investigat- line II can be associated with the Baden culture
ed, as well as the double trench systems around settlement, Stubline III with an Avar necropolis
the older and younger parts of the settlement, (?), whereas Stubline IV is a horizon with graves
a number of waste pits and an area surrounded from the late Middle Ages. Such a stratigraphy
by a group of houses in the northwestern part should be taken with a reserve for several rea-
of the settlement (Crnobrnja, Simić and Jank- sons. Previous excavations have shown that it is
ović 2009; Crnobrnja 2012; Spasić 2012a; Spasić impossible to establish a single stratigraphic sys-
2013; Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2015; Spasić, tem for the whole site because different parts of
Živanović and Stojić 2016). the site were used in different periods. Accord-
ingly, it is not realistic to expect this stratigraph-
Simultaneously with the excavations, a de- ic scheme to be applicable to all areas of the site.
tailed non-destructive geomagnetic and geo-
Figure 1. Aerial photography of the Neolithic site at Stubline (Photo: Aleksandar Sivački)
vestigated in the farthest south-eastern section physical prospection of the site was carried out
of the settlement. Two settlement strata that between 2007 and 2011. The total area explored
had belonged to the Vinča culture were alleged- using geomagnetic prospection was about eight
ly identified: a later stratum, containing remains hectares, while the geo-electrical measurements
of houses above the ground, and an earlier one, of geophysical resistivity revealed vertical pro-
with pit-houses and semi-pit-houses (Todor- files reaching 1125 meters in length through the
ović 1967). Revision of material and documen- layers at the site.
tation from the first excavations carried out at
Stubline has shown that pits that were original- In a very simplified and concise matrix, the
ly identified as pit-houses are in fact waste pits stratification of cultural layers at Stubline re-
(Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2016). The system- veals four chronological phases in the use of the
atic archaeological excavations at Stubline began site (Spasić 2013). The horizon Stubline I corre-
in 2008, and they are still under way. During sponds to a Late Vinča culture settlement, Stub-
this period, three houses were fully investigat- line II can be associated with the Baden culture
ed, as well as the double trench systems around settlement, Stubline III with an Avar necropolis
the older and younger parts of the settlement, (?), whereas Stubline IV is a horizon with graves
a number of waste pits and an area surrounded from the late Middle Ages. Such a stratigraphy
by a group of houses in the northwestern part should be taken with a reserve for several rea-
of the settlement (Crnobrnja, Simić and Jank- sons. Previous excavations have shown that it is
ović 2009; Crnobrnja 2012; Spasić 2012a; Spasić impossible to establish a single stratigraphic sys-
2013; Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2015; Spasić, tem for the whole site because different parts of
Živanović and Stojić 2016). the site were used in different periods. Accord-
ingly, it is not realistic to expect this stratigraph-
Simultaneously with the excavations, a de- ic scheme to be applicable to all areas of the site.
tailed non-destructive geomagnetic and geo-