Page 69 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 69
ia universitatis
bowls with everted r im from stubline 69
Figure 2. J. Todorović’s note from the first systematic field survey in Stubline during 1966
(Belgrade City Museum archive)
terial typical for Vinča-Pločnik phase. The note were statistically quantified in order to check
was accompanied with hand drawing of the pro- whether there are possible trends in production
file of typical bowl with everted rim (Figure 2). of bowls with everted rim. Additionally, we con-
Sample from Stubline is chosen arbitrarily, based ducted contextual analysis seeking to find con-
on the presence of important parts of the bowls ceivable patterns in their use and discard.
essential for typological, metrical and stylis-
tic analysis. It doesn’t tend to project the anal- Morphology
ysis results as model neither for Stubline corpus Bowls with everted rim represent one of the
nor for broader regional or chronological index. most solid morphological types in the Vinča cul-
Rather, discussion of analysis results of Stubline ture pottery inventory. There is endless number
sample aims to mark possible trends in interpre- of formal variations based on typological param-
tation of typological, functional and chronolog- eters. However, our typology was not burdened
ical aspects of bowls with everted rim from Late with numerous subtypes and varieties which
Vinča culture. would blur the overall image of formal uniform-
ity of bowls with everted rim. Rather, we select-
Total number of 160 bowls with everted ed three basic types which probably correspond
rim was examined macroscopically. Each frag- with function of the vessel. Majority of the stud-
ment was analysed using uniform methodology ied bowls belong to the first type with conical or
in order to inspect metrical, typological and sty- rounded body and everted rim (Figure 3). Nu-
listic diversities of the corpus. Later on, results
bowls with everted r im from stubline 69
Figure 2. J. Todorović’s note from the first systematic field survey in Stubline during 1966
(Belgrade City Museum archive)
terial typical for Vinča-Pločnik phase. The note were statistically quantified in order to check
was accompanied with hand drawing of the pro- whether there are possible trends in production
file of typical bowl with everted rim (Figure 2). of bowls with everted rim. Additionally, we con-
Sample from Stubline is chosen arbitrarily, based ducted contextual analysis seeking to find con-
on the presence of important parts of the bowls ceivable patterns in their use and discard.
essential for typological, metrical and stylis-
tic analysis. It doesn’t tend to project the anal- Morphology
ysis results as model neither for Stubline corpus Bowls with everted rim represent one of the
nor for broader regional or chronological index. most solid morphological types in the Vinča cul-
Rather, discussion of analysis results of Stubline ture pottery inventory. There is endless number
sample aims to mark possible trends in interpre- of formal variations based on typological param-
tation of typological, functional and chronolog- eters. However, our typology was not burdened
ical aspects of bowls with everted rim from Late with numerous subtypes and varieties which
Vinča culture. would blur the overall image of formal uniform-
ity of bowls with everted rim. Rather, we select-
Total number of 160 bowls with everted ed three basic types which probably correspond
rim was examined macroscopically. Each frag- with function of the vessel. Majority of the stud-
ment was analysed using uniform methodology ied bowls belong to the first type with conical or
in order to inspect metrical, typological and sty- rounded body and everted rim (Figure 3). Nu-
listic diversities of the corpus. Later on, results