Page 72 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 72
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 72
Figure 6. Bowls with everted rim from the houses 1_2008 (1, 2) and 1_2010 (3). Note use-wear traces on the bowl 1
(photo: Branko Jovanović)
part of Vinča vessel fragments from the upper- ornamented fragments represent modest corpus
most stratigraphic layers has severely damaged or of seven fragments decorated with incised lines
torn out surfaces caused by multiple post-depo- (find 37), and small lenticular impressions. Lin-
sitional factors (i.e. land erosion, agriculture…). ear incised marks of unknown design were ex-
Likewise, some of the younger bowls with evert- ecuted on the outer surface of two bowls (find
ed rim from Stubline exhibit same surface deg- 37). Such incised marks are usually referred to as
radation process, especially ones with thinner Vinča culture signs (cf. Garašanin 1979, 181). In-
cross-sections and finer fabric whose surface was cised signs on bottoms and on the walls of the
once smooth and well burnished. bowls with everted rim are known from oth-
er Vinča culture sites also, such as Gomolava,
Ornamental Techniques And Motifs Banjica and Vinča (Todorović and Cermanović
Bowls with everted rim are mainly undecorat- 1961: T. XXXII/30; Vuković 2011, 90; Jovanović
ed, with 76% of our sample. Leading ornamen- 2015, T. XIII/3). There were only two fragments
tal technique is channelling represented with with ornamental composition executed in more
82% examples from the corpus of ornamented than one decorative technique. Slanting chan-
bowls (finds 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 22, 25, 35, 38, 40–42, nelled fields forming horizontal row around the
50, 53, 64 and 65). Channelling was executed be- shoulder of the bowl was interrupted with slant-
fore firing, using stone pebble, bone, antler or ce- ing row of lenticular impressions on one example
ramic tool. Short slanting or vertical channelled (find 31), while on the other one vertical chan-
fields were organised in horizontal rows around nelled fields were combined with plastically ap-
vessel’s shoulder or rim. Sometimes slanting or plied rib with lenticular impressions (find 32).
arched ornaments on the rim of the bowls re- Only two bowls have small, decorative and/or
sembles famous Hallstatt bowls with torded rim functional applications under the rim, one in
(finds 16, 20, 26, 50, 55 and 58). The rest of the the form of circular knob, the other one having
Figure 6. Bowls with everted rim from the houses 1_2008 (1, 2) and 1_2010 (3). Note use-wear traces on the bowl 1
(photo: Branko Jovanović)
part of Vinča vessel fragments from the upper- ornamented fragments represent modest corpus
most stratigraphic layers has severely damaged or of seven fragments decorated with incised lines
torn out surfaces caused by multiple post-depo- (find 37), and small lenticular impressions. Lin-
sitional factors (i.e. land erosion, agriculture…). ear incised marks of unknown design were ex-
Likewise, some of the younger bowls with evert- ecuted on the outer surface of two bowls (find
ed rim from Stubline exhibit same surface deg- 37). Such incised marks are usually referred to as
radation process, especially ones with thinner Vinča culture signs (cf. Garašanin 1979, 181). In-
cross-sections and finer fabric whose surface was cised signs on bottoms and on the walls of the
once smooth and well burnished. bowls with everted rim are known from oth-
er Vinča culture sites also, such as Gomolava,
Ornamental Techniques And Motifs Banjica and Vinča (Todorović and Cermanović
Bowls with everted rim are mainly undecorat- 1961: T. XXXII/30; Vuković 2011, 90; Jovanović
ed, with 76% of our sample. Leading ornamen- 2015, T. XIII/3). There were only two fragments
tal technique is channelling represented with with ornamental composition executed in more
82% examples from the corpus of ornamented than one decorative technique. Slanting chan-
bowls (finds 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 22, 25, 35, 38, 40–42, nelled fields forming horizontal row around the
50, 53, 64 and 65). Channelling was executed be- shoulder of the bowl was interrupted with slant-
fore firing, using stone pebble, bone, antler or ce- ing row of lenticular impressions on one example
ramic tool. Short slanting or vertical channelled (find 31), while on the other one vertical chan-
fields were organised in horizontal rows around nelled fields were combined with plastically ap-
vessel’s shoulder or rim. Sometimes slanting or plied rib with lenticular impressions (find 32).
arched ornaments on the rim of the bowls re- Only two bowls have small, decorative and/or
sembles famous Hallstatt bowls with torded rim functional applications under the rim, one in
(finds 16, 20, 26, 50, 55 and 58). The rest of the the form of circular knob, the other one having