Page 94 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 7(1) (2019)
P. 94
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 7 (2019), številk a 1 94komisije za restitucijo in poskusov dogovarjanja z Itali-were relocated from Istria in 1940. The issue remains
jo se do konca devetdesetih letih na področju odtujenih open until present, while it raises a fundamental theo-
hereditatiumetnin ni veliko dogajalo. Največji premik se je zgodil,retical question regarding the conservation of artefacts
ko so italijanske oblasti 15. maja 2002 sklicale tiskovno on their original locations in contested areas that under-
konferenco, na kateri se je italijanski državni podsekre- went a major change in population.
tar na Ministrstvu za dediščino in kulturne dejavnosti
Vittorio Sgarbi predstavil vsebino 11 zabojev odpeljanih Viri in literatura
iz Istre leta 1940. To je oživilo problem restitucije ume- Anico, M. 2009. “Representing identities at
tniških del iz mest Slovenske Istre, ki še danes ostaja od-
prt. local municipal museums: Cultural forums
or identitiy bunkers?” V: Heritage and
Summary Identity, Engagement and Demission in
the contemporary World, urednici: Marta
The issue of restitution of artworks is an extremely com- Anico in Elsa Peralta, 63–75. New York.
plex problem, since cultural heritage is part of the past Ashworth, G. J., Graham B., Tunbridge J. E.
that can be easily manipulated. Case of alienation differ 2007. Pluralising pasts: Heritage, Identity
strongly among each other. Some examples of relocat- and Place in Multicultural Societies,
ed artefacts are prominent, while the fate of most relo- London.
cated artworks remains unknown to the public. Such is Algeri G. in L’Occaso S. 2005. “Le opere d’arte
the case of the relocated artefacts from the northern Is- della chiesa di San’t Anna di Capodistria.”
trian town during WWII and the consequent dispute V: Histria: opere d’arte restaurate: da Paolo
over their appurtenance. Due to the historic events of Veneziano a Tiepolo: [Trieste, Civico Museo
World War I, the Slovenian territories that today bor- Revoltella 23 giugno 2005 - 6 gennaio 2006],
der with Italy, were perceived during World War II by 87–96. Milano: Electa.
the then Italian authorities as potentially dangerous for Benjamin, W. 2003. Umetnina v času, ko jo je
storing artistic artefacts. Among the items taken from mogoče tehnično reproducirati. Izbrani spisi.
Istria, the most interesting is the Franciscan monas- Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis.
tery of St. Anna / Sv. Ana in Koper/Capodistria since Casadio, P., in Castellani F. 2005. “Per
the owner of the artworks was the order itself and not introdurre.” V: Histria: opere d’arte
the State as was the case for the Municipality museum restaurate: da Paolo Veneziano a Tiepolo:
in the town. As a result, the artworks from one country [Trieste, Civico Museo Revoltella 23 giugno
to the other even after the end of WWII, since the or- 2005 - 6 gennaio 2006], 29–­ 30. Milano:
der was present both in Italy and Yugoslavia. The Peace Electa.
treaty of Paris (1947) stated that Italy should return to Čebron Lipovec, N. 2015. “’I’m Telling the
Yugoslavia all the artefacts and archival material that has Story of the Town”: Places in a Contested
been relocated from the occupied areas by 1941. With Space.” V: At Home but Foreigners.
the London Memorandum (1954), the contested area Population transfers in 20th Century
of Northern Istria became part of Yugoslavia, so the Istria. Uredniki: Katja Hrobat Virloget,
claims of restitution were revived. A first note with the Catherine Gousseff, Gustavo Corni, 189–
claim of restitution was sent by the Yugoslav govern- 207. Koper: University of Primorska,
ment to the Italian one already in 1955. Despite the es- Science and Research Centre, Annales
tablishing of a Restitution Commission and various at- University Press.
tempts to negotiate with Italy, no further developments Figelj, K. 2004. “O renesansi v Istri lahko
occurred until late 1990s. A main shift took place when govorimo”: dr. Stanko Kokole o 15. in 16.
the Italian authorities convened a press conference on stoletju. Primorske novice, 58, št. 51 (24. jun.
May 15, 2002 at which the deputy minister for Culture, 2004), 16.
Vittorio Sgarbi, presented the content of 11 boxed that
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