Page 57 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 57
ia universitatis

pr eliminary r eport of archaeological r esearch at the k astel site in banja luk a in 2019 57
Drawing 1 Micro-locations researched in 2019 (By Bojan Popovic, architect).

est layer of soil was deposited, and in order to washed and stored in the depot of the Museum
obtain approximately the same level with other of RS.
parts, about 0.50 m of soil was removed. Тo de-
termine the depth of the foundations , two con- The second phase of field works at the Kas-
trol trenches (KR1 and KR2) were opened, one tel site was realized in the period from October
trench for each of the building it was observed 28 to November 2, 2019, also by the Association
that the foundations of the older (late antique?) of Archaeologists of the Republic of Srpska and
wall in the northeast corner of the western part the PI Museum of the Republic of Srpska, in co-
of the building is at a depth of about 0.50 m rela- operation with the Faculty of Philosophy Uni-
tive to the top of the wall, while the depth of the versity of Banja Luka3, the Faculty of Philoso-
later (medieval?) wall, measured from the west phy University of East Sarajevo4. This stage of
side of its central part, is about 1.50m deep. Dur-
ing this phase of work, a total of 282 artefacts 3 Students of the History department, Faculty of Philosophy Uni-
were collected, of which 251 were pottery frag- versity of Banja Luka: Neven Rogic, Danilo Ratkovic, Dejan Kr-
ments, 13 flint and 18 findings classified as “oth- keljas, Nikolina Blagojevic, Bojan Cosic, Goran Kremenovic, Ivo-
er” (coin, wedges, bullets, etc.). The material was na Sever, Goran Bozic, Mladen Niksic, Stefan Vuksic.

4 Students of the History and archeology department, Faculty of
Philosophy, University of East Sarajevo: Milica Subasic, Bogdan
Lazic, Igor Drasko, Milica Lazovic, Luka Bojanic, Milos Nikolic.
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