Page 59 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 59
ia universitatis

pr eliminary r eport of archaeological r esearch at the k astel site in banja luk a in 2019 59
Figure 7 Remains of the skeleton documented in 2019 (Photo by Aleksandar Čavić).

al of the 0.10–0.30m surface layer.5 It contained mur and metatarsals) were also identified, ran-
numerous recent finds, pottery fragments and domly scattered across the area.
animal bones as lots of stone pebbles. In room
9, along the western A-D section which was ex- Along the wall of the A-D profile of the
panded due to later work, remains of two human room 8, there is an area of yellow compacted
inhumations were found. By the end of the ex- soil 0.80m wide (approximately rectangular in
cavations, one skeleton (Figure 7, Figure 2) with shape), while the northern profile of the “medie-
missing cervical vertebrae and skull was investi- val” wall has an area of 1.30 x 0.35m, which prob-
gated, documented (drawn, surveyed and photo- ably represents the ‘negative’ of the wall of which
graphed) and removed as a whole. The skeleton only a stone remained. A layer of stone and mor-
was laid on the remains of a probably older stone tar is probably added to it, most probably a sub-
structure and had no grave goods, except that a structure of the floor, whichwas intersected by
fragment of a ceramic vessel was identified at the a layer of darker soil. The later could be the re-
place where the skull was supposed to be. mains of the pit of another burial.

The second skeleton, consisting of parts of Conclusion
the spinal column and femur was left in situ for Based on the geophysical research of 10,000 m2
the next excavation season. In the continuation and the processing of the data generated from
of work in room 8, fragmented human bones (fe- the study, it is clear that in all the investigated
areas of Kastel fortress numerous remains of dif-
5 Please note that this is not a classical surface layer, because it is a con- ferent buildings or features should be expected
tinuation of the research discontinued in 1988. below the surface. The lack of information from
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