Page 60 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 60
Drawing 2 Remains of the skeleton documented in 2019 (By Bojan Popovic, architect).

the cadastre of underground installations as well the construction waste and other constructing
as previous archaeological research has condi- material. A circular anomaly stands out at the
tioned the interpretation of the results, which is depth of about 1.70 m in the northern part of the
for the time being limited only to the separation researched area, which could be appropriate for a
of geometrically regular anomalies shown in pit or burial. The remaining line anomalies with-
Figure 5, and which should be considered when in this investigated field possibly correspond to
planning future research or performing any oth- parts of buildings below the ground surface.
er work. Based on the results from Courtyard
II site, where the current revision archaeologi- As for the continuation of the archaeologi-
cal research is in progress, a large number of line cal work, during the next phase it is planned to
anomalies are visible in the exploration field A complete the excavation in the northwest part
(Figure 5), extending at depths of 0.30 m to 1.70 of the building at the Courtyard II site. In ac-
m. Most of these anomalies can be assumed, on cordance with the above geophysical survey re-
the basis of geometry, to correspond to under- sults, it is planned to extend the excavation to
ground installations (red dashed lines). The re- the west, which implies the removal of the exist-
maining anomalies (yellow solid lines) can be as- ing fence and asphalt access to the summer thea-
sumed to correspond to parts of fetures below tre space as well as providing an alternative route
the ground surface. A zone with elevated elec- to the same. At the moment, the preparation of
tromagnetic wave amplitudes is observed in the the plan and the plan of conservation and res-
southeast corner of researched field A which may toration works of the existing and future foun-
correspond to the presence of a larger amount of dations are in progress, in cooperation with the
Republic Institute for the Protection of the Cul-
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