Page 63 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 63
ia universitatisTwo stelae from the Egyptian Museum
63 CG: 22018, 22050

Mohamed Rihan
Egypt Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt

Gre za objavo dveh stel vrhunske kakovosti, GG 22018 in GG 22050, iz egipčanskega muzeja v Kairu, ki
sta bili najdeni v družinski grobnici nekropole El-Hassaia blizu Edfuja. Grob, izklesan iz peščenjaka, z
napisi in upodobitvami princa Edfuja prispeva pomemben spomenik k mnogim dosedanjim informa-
cijam o ideoloških in organizacijskih strukturah družbe, znanih iz izredno pomembnega obdobja še-
stindvajsete dinastije. Eden prinčevih nazivov je bil poveljnik čet v Edfuju. Ti dve steli, ena podarjena s
strani njegovega sina in druga s strani njegove matere, opisujeta in razlagata dve generaciji njegove druži-
ne z nadaljnjimi člani gospodinjstva, ki so bili eni izmed najpomembnejših uradnikov egiptovskega kra-
ljevega dvora poznega obdobja.
Ključne besede: stele, nekropola El-Hassaia, pozno obdobje, vojaški nazivi, egipčanski muzej v Kairu

This is the publication of two high quality stelae, GG 22018 and GG 22050, from the Egyptian museum
in Cairo, which were found in a family tomb at the El-Hassaia necropolis near Edfu. The tomb cut out
from sandstone with inscriptions and depictions of the prince of Edfu adds an important monument
to the vast number of acquired information about ideological and organizational structures of the so-
ciety, known from the very important timespam of the twenty-sixths Dynasty. One of his titles was the
Commander of troops in Edfu. This two stelae, one offered by his son and the other one of his mother,
describe and explain two generations of his family, with further household members were the most im-
portant officials in the Late Period at the Egyptian royal court.
Key words: Stelae, El-Hassaia necropolis, Late Period, Military Titles, Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Description Lunette (A)
The lunette is decorated with a winged sun-disk
GG 22018 is a round top stela with from which descend on each side an uraeus. To
carved decoration and inscription, de- the left and right sides of the winged sun-disk
limited by an incised border line. The there are respectively two jackals recumbent on
stela made of sandstone, measuring 729 x 406 the sky-sign separates in a straight line and sym-
mm, has a lunette (A), below the lunette, there metrically arranged, both with a uraeus on their
are two registers of roughly equal size; (B) the forehead.
main field shows the standing owner of the ste-
la on the right, on the opposite side are depict- Main inscription (B)
ed six gods’ figures, (C) consists of 10 horizon- In this register, which is higher than the follow-
tal lines of text. ing one, an incised human figure, which exhib-
its greater detail. On the right side is depicted a

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