Page 64 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 64
nding woman (@t-Hr-i i-t i) (Kamal 1904–64 erners who are in the necropolis, may you lift up
1905, 19–20, II, Pl. VII) in walking pose and the woman to the creator of her body, (3) may
facing left. Her very thin right arm is raisedhereditati those who carry their masters and those who car-
forward, with straightened hand and thumb up- ry their mistresses hide her mummy in the west,
ward, in the gesture of recitation. Her left arm (4) may those four mourners for Re lift up the
hangs straight down holding a piece of cloth. She Ba of the Known one to heaven, (5) may the four
wears a tripartite wig, which leaves her ear un- bearers of offerings, the inert gods and praised
covered, and no details of her dress are indicated. gods who are upon her throne heal her body, (6)
In front of @t-Hr-i i-t i is a table of offerings O Gods of the caverns, gods of the great shrine,
with four elongated loaves depicted upright. On the crossing-gods, protection- gods and gods of
the top of the table is the representation of meat, the hall of the two justices, (7) may you give a
a flower bouquet and a tray with four sealed jars beautiful burial on the necropolis of the west of
of unguent (two cylindrical m rHt-type on the Edfu to the beautiful famous and beneficial lady
sides, two convex at the center). and may you cause to be live the generations (8)
of the wife of the commander of army, the great
Opposite to @t-Hr-i i-t i and in front of prince in Upper Egypt, and may make the chil-
the offering table stand, there are a six figure of dren useful to her, (and) her equal does not exist,
gods, the first god is Osiris1, the great god, lord (9) Hathor-iy-ti daughter of the overseer of bal-
of the Abydos city and Foremost of the Western- ance Iours vindicated, she who was born of the
ers, standing and facing right as a mummified Lady of the house Ima vindicated, (10) her house
king with green skin, wearing the hDt (the white will remain, her offering will be in its place and
crown) flanked with two long feathers. His both her children will turn back in front her upon the
hands are clenched against his chest, clutching earth forever.
the heqa-scepter and the nekhakha-flail2. Af-
ter Osiris there are five gods, all facing right in Textual note
walking posture. Their left arms are raised for- 1: x n t-im n t ty nTr-aA nb-tA-w r-psD.t nb.w-
ward, with straightened hand and thumb up- %x n-rxyt . The Foremost of the westerners, the
ward, their right arms hanging straight down great god (Erman and Grapow 1926–1961, III,
and holding the anx Ankh symbol of life. The 468.14 - 469.18, ONB 535, Anm. 345), and the
gods from right to left are Isis, Horus, Nephthys, lord of the Ennead (a group of nine deities) the
Thot and Anubis. lords of %x n-rxy t Edfu3. The combination of ep-
ithets for Osiris is uncommon. However, (Yoyo-
The hieroglyphic text begins directly below tte 1969, 134.), it seems, that in this time he was
this scene without any separating line. The texts the only attested lord of the cemeteries of Edfu.
composed of 10 horizontal lines in sunken relief
running from right to left. 2: Im n tyw and IAbtyw. This two epithets
are for Osiris too, Im n tyw refers to the dead
(1) An offering that the king gives and Osiris, buried in the necropolis on the west bank of
Foremost of the westerners, the great god, The the Nile4, while IAbtyw “the Easterners” refer-
lord to the ennead lord of %x n-rxyt (El-Hassaia
necropolis), (2) to the westerners, and to the east- 3 It is one of many different names of the necropolis of Edfou in the
Late Period until the Greco-Roman Period in Egypt, now it’s Nagc
1 Osiris was the judge of the dead and the underworld agency that el-Hassia about 2 km north-west of Gabel es-Sirag ‫جارسلا لبج‬,
granted all life see Redford 2003, 302–307, Berkley 2003., and the this name appeared in the Middle Kingdom and continued to the
“Lord of Silence” see Wilson 1951, 302. The Kings of Egypt were as- Greco-Roman Period; it means “Hathor is coming” Ranke 1935,
sociated with Osiris in death – as Osiris rose from the dead so they 235. The necropolis remained in use until the Greco-Roman Period.
would be in union with him, and inherit eternal life. Through the The word rxyt may refer to public use of the necropolis as this the
hope of new life after death, Osiris was widely worshipped until the word is used as a general term for the Egyptian people.
decline of ancient Egyptian religion during the rise of Christianity
in the Roman Empire see Bury 1958, 371. 4 FormoreofthisformalseeSethe1908–1922,Pyr.1588c,1593b,1598a,1603b.
2 He is identified as Osiris-Khentyamentiu, the great god, Lord of 61; and Sethe 1908–1922, Pyr. 1588c, 1593b, 1598a, 1603b. Wilson 1997, 77.
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