Page 69 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 69
ia universitatis(1) Ht p - d i- n sw n Ws i r x n t- i m n t t p sDt x n t %x n- rxy t
two stelae from the egyptian museum cg: 22018, 22050 69
(2) Im n ty w iAb ty w x n t sTAt sar.Tn Xrd x r wTt Dt . f

(3) fAw-Hryw. sn Hr txn sStA n nb-sSr imi-tw sbxt

(4) fd w n n n t HAy w t Hr Ra sar bA n Ax r n n t

(5) [i r] .Tn Ht p bA n Ws i r i my - r mSa w r w s r. t i s m r waty

(6) i my - r s s m w t q n m s ky t id nw t py n Hm . f

(7) ir sxrw.f m-a rsy Hm-nTr xmt-nw Hm-nTr sn-nw
Hm-nTr n Wsir Hm-nTr n Imn

(8) Hm- nTr n @r-s mA-tAwy pA Xrd sA @t-Hr Hm- nTr n
Mn Hm-nTr n @r Bhdty nTr aA

(9) n b p t n b Ms n s n- n sw PA-^ w mAa-x rw sA n m i- n n
PA-m n x sA n m i- n n PA-^ w

(10) mAa-xrw xr Wsir rn n mwt .f @t-Hr-ii .ti mAa-xrw

right sits of the bed is the goddess Nephthys in ba of Osiris, the great commander of the army (=
walking pose as Isis but she facing right and be- the general), the strong one, the unique courtier,
hind her two sons of Horus, Hapi and Qebe- (6) the overseer of the horses (cavalry), the strong
hsenuef (Aufderheider 2003, 237)16. in the battle, the first deputy of his majesty (7)
who made his plans in the south, the priest of the
Written register (C) third Philae, the priest of the second Philae, and
The hieroglyphic text directly begins below this the priest of Osiris, the priest of Amon, (8) the
scene without any separating line. The texts priest of Harsomtous son of Hathor, the priest
composed of 10 horizontal lines in sunken relief of Min, the priest of Horus of Behdet, the great
running from right to left. god, (9) lord of the sky, lord of Edfu, the royal
brother Pa-shu the justified, son of the same-ti-
(1) An offering that the king gives and Osi- tled Pa-menkh son of the same-titled Pa-shu (10)
ris the foremost of the westerners, to the enne- the justified before Osiris, his mother name is
ad in front of %x n-rxyt (El-Hassaia), (2) to the Hathor-iy-ti the justified forever.
Westerners and to the Easterners who are in the
necropolis, may you lift up the child to the cre- Textual notes
ator of his body, (3) may those who carry their
masters hide the secret form of the lord of linen 4: HAyty. The group of signs is difficult
through the portal (of the west), (4) may those to interpret. A reading would seem to
mourners upon Re lift up the ba of the benefi-
cent to heaven, (5) may you make satisfying the be the only possibility, It is quite extraordi-

representing the East and protected the stomach of the deceased, nary that as many as three reporters should
protected by Neith.
16 This two sons of Horus are Hapi, in the form of a baboon, represen- be attested on one stela. As PA- ^w worked for
ting the North, who protected the lungs of the deceased, protected
by his mother Nephthys, and Qebehsenuef, in the form of a hawk, the palace guard, he must have had regular
who was representing the West and protected the intestines of the
deceased, protected by Serket. contact with people reporting matters from
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