Page 70 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 70
inner court circles to the outside world (“rod).
For the title ‘reporter’17.
5: i my-r ssmw t “overseer of the
horses” or “the commander of the cavalry”, ap-
peared in dynasty 18 as (Erman and
Grapow 1926–1961, IV, 276, 18–20, Hannig
2006, 825.), the person bearing this title was re-
sponsible of the administration of the chariotary
and accountable directly to the king (Al-Ayedi
2006, 114–15.), it is a civil job more than a mili-
tary job, the king was given it as an honorary ti-
tle to the high retired officers (Helck 1939, 59–
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 8 (2020), številk a 1 706: id nw “deputy” (De Meulenaere 1993,
135–36, 47.) this word was used firstly as a verb
hereditatiid n “serve instead of, replace” from the Genealogy
Middle kingdom onwards (Erman and Grapow It is difficult to reconstruct all the con-
1926–1961, I, 154, 1–5; Faulkner 1953, 35.), idnw nections between members of PA-^w’s fam-
is equal the Wakel ‫ ليكولا‬in Arabic (Wild 1954, ily with certainty. Several people are men-
182.), meaning literally “representative”, but it tioned in both stelae from his earlier life. Also
appeared in the title id nw n pA mSa “lieuten- the strategic location of Edfu for controlling
ant-commander of the army” who commands the trade in elephants and the gold and miner-
under imy-r mSa , the persons who bear the title al mining regions in the eastern desert prompt-
idnw of the army were very high-ranking officers. ed the Ptolemies to make the town an important
The idnw “deputy” was an administrator rather garrison site (Manning 1997, 8.), the family of
than an active soldier, yet higher in the military PA-^w is the grandfather Pa-Shu and father Pa-
hierarchy was the lieutenant-commander, such Menkh, who was married Hathor-ieie-ti daugh-
as in our stela where the word idnw also indi- ter of Iours and begat his son Pa-Shu (Munro
cates the deputy of the civil officials (Faulkner 1973, 253.).
1953, 46; Spiegelberg 1913, 36, lines 9, 14.) when
the specific function is clear. PA-^w was a member of a family army men
9: sn-n sw “the brother of the king”, a in the Province of Edfu in the 2nd and 1st centu-
honored title bore it the members of the fami- ries B.C., every member of his family carried the
ly of PA-^w at Edfu in the second century B.C. title imy-r mSa w r the great commander of the
(Yoyotte 1969, 135.). This title often accompanies, army (= the general), the same title mentioned in
in hieroglyphic texts, the military title of imy-r demotic texts as pA srt k s, it is probably that this
mSa (w r) “the great commander of the army”, title refers to the “ local strategos” of the nome
which equals the greek συγγευής (De Meulen- or as H. de Meulenaere called it “Stratéges in-
aere 1959, 2.) since the 30th dynasty (De Meule- digénes” (De Meulenaere 1959, 2, 5, 7.), but Yoy-
naere 1959, 22, Nr. 2; Petrie 1909, 13, Pl. 31–32.). otte suggests that imy-r mSa w r title in the 2nd
The same title did not appear in Greek and De- –1st century B.C was a military rank for the offi-
motic papyri before 120 B.C. cers (Yoyotte 1969, 135.)18.

17 It seems that the scribe wrote the name, and he confused betwe- 18 There is another stela from the same province, which bears the
en the word HAyty “two lights (= the sun and moon)” and the word name of another PA- (n) -^ w son of #Ar who carries the same ti-
HAyty “the two mourners”. tle i my - r mSa and i my - r x rp q nw “the commander of the mil-
itary and the commander of cavalry”. It was probably the grandfa-
ther? of the owner, see Kamal 1904–1905, CG 22021, 19–20, II, Pl.
VIII; Yoyotte 1969, 135.
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