Page 85 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 85
ia universitatis Marcella, years, Magaplina, freedwoman of names of the parents of freedman, it is also of indi-
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 85 Marcella, years” genous origin and indicates a slave past. The name
is considered to be of Illyrian, but can be also consi-
This bronze plate records the names of libera- dered Venetian, especially in the northern Italy.119
ted slaves, their age and names of former masters.
The inscription records the family of Magaplines The names of the masters who liberated these
and their former owners. This plate is likely a le- slaves are also mentioned. They are Maxima, Mar-
gal document related to granting the Roman citi- cella and Tertia. These are Roman names of Latin
zenship to people mentioned in the inscription.113 origin and it is not surprising that owners of these
slaves are Romans, likely of Italic origin.
The first and most often inscribed name on
this plate is Magaplinus in feminine and masculi- For the datation of this monument, only
ne gender. Since the plate records the names of li- one epigraphical feature can be used. In the offe-
berated slaves, it is obvious that Magaplinus and red transliteration, abbreviation an is restituited
Magaplina served as a single name before their ma- as an(nnorum). If this reconstructisotn is accepted,
numission. Magaplinus is attested only in Italy as then the plate can be dated to the 1 century AD.
a nomen.114 The origin of the name is neither Ro- Funerary monument of Caius Titius
man nor the word comes from Latin. It’s related to This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 31; CIL V 486)
the name Aplis, which with its few derivatives115 is a stone plate made in limestone, with a fra-
was preserved in the form of Magaplinus. Diffe- me made of triple moulded belt (height: 0,98 m,
rent authors point out distinctly Illyrian origin due width: 0,65 m). It was found in 1843, in a valley
to lingustic features or Venetic due to geographi- near the village of Pomjan (Italian: Paugnano),
cal prevalence which is mainly Istria. However, all near Koper. Soon after the finding, it arrived in
agree that it is a name of indigenous origin.116 This the Museum of Trieste, where it has been kept
is further confirmed by the onomastic formula, inserted in the wall. The inscription reads:
which consists of nomen gentile (moved in the pla-
ce which is usually reserved for cognomen in Ro- C(aius) Titius C(ai) f(ilius)
man nomenclature and filiation. This onomastical Volt(ilia) Vienna
order is very characteristical for Histrian and Li- veteranus
burnian names.117 leg(ionis) XV Apol(linaris)
“Gaius Titius, son of Gaius, Voltilia, from Vi-
Consideringa all this, people who bore the enne, veteran of 15th legion of Apollonians”
name Magaplinus or Magaplina mentioned on This is a monument of legionary veteran,
this plate, were likely the members of indigenous who also inscribed the name of his hometown
population living somewhere in Istria.118 and legion in which he served.
His praenomen, Gaius is one of 18 most com-
Second name that can be related to indige- mon Roman names.
nous population mentioned on the inscription is His nomen gentile, Titius, is related to old
Raecus. Since in this inscription it appears as the but not very prominent plebeian family, gens Ti-
tia 120 and is certainly of Latin origin.121
113 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Ter-
geste i Egida “, 31. 119 Krahe, Lexikon Altillyrischer Personennemen, 97; Alföldy, Die Per-
sonennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 349; Križman,
114 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae Rimska imena u Istri, 104.
Cisalpinae, 173; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
narum, vol. III, 45. 120 Smith, A Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Antiquities, 1159.
121 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia,
115 Other forms include: Aplo, Apludus, Aplurus, Aplus, Aplius.
116 Krahe, Lexikon Altillyrischer Personennemen, 157; Starac, “Pitanje 338.
istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Tergeste i Egida”,
30; Mate Križman, Rimska imena u Istri: osobna imena na istarskim
natpisima iz rimskog doba (Zagreb: Latina Et Graeca, 1991), 200-201.
117 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Ter-
geste i Egida”, 31.
118 John J. Wilkes, The Illyrians (Cambridge: Blackwell Publishing,
1992), 71-75.
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 85 Marcella, years” genous origin and indicates a slave past. The name
is considered to be of Illyrian, but can be also consi-
This bronze plate records the names of libera- dered Venetian, especially in the northern Italy.119
ted slaves, their age and names of former masters.
The inscription records the family of Magaplines The names of the masters who liberated these
and their former owners. This plate is likely a le- slaves are also mentioned. They are Maxima, Mar-
gal document related to granting the Roman citi- cella and Tertia. These are Roman names of Latin
zenship to people mentioned in the inscription.113 origin and it is not surprising that owners of these
slaves are Romans, likely of Italic origin.
The first and most often inscribed name on
this plate is Magaplinus in feminine and masculi- For the datation of this monument, only
ne gender. Since the plate records the names of li- one epigraphical feature can be used. In the offe-
berated slaves, it is obvious that Magaplinus and red transliteration, abbreviation an is restituited
Magaplina served as a single name before their ma- as an(nnorum). If this reconstructisotn is accepted,
numission. Magaplinus is attested only in Italy as then the plate can be dated to the 1 century AD.
a nomen.114 The origin of the name is neither Ro- Funerary monument of Caius Titius
man nor the word comes from Latin. It’s related to This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 31; CIL V 486)
the name Aplis, which with its few derivatives115 is a stone plate made in limestone, with a fra-
was preserved in the form of Magaplinus. Diffe- me made of triple moulded belt (height: 0,98 m,
rent authors point out distinctly Illyrian origin due width: 0,65 m). It was found in 1843, in a valley
to lingustic features or Venetic due to geographi- near the village of Pomjan (Italian: Paugnano),
cal prevalence which is mainly Istria. However, all near Koper. Soon after the finding, it arrived in
agree that it is a name of indigenous origin.116 This the Museum of Trieste, where it has been kept
is further confirmed by the onomastic formula, inserted in the wall. The inscription reads:
which consists of nomen gentile (moved in the pla-
ce which is usually reserved for cognomen in Ro- C(aius) Titius C(ai) f(ilius)
man nomenclature and filiation. This onomastical Volt(ilia) Vienna
order is very characteristical for Histrian and Li- veteranus
burnian names.117 leg(ionis) XV Apol(linaris)
“Gaius Titius, son of Gaius, Voltilia, from Vi-
Consideringa all this, people who bore the enne, veteran of 15th legion of Apollonians”
name Magaplinus or Magaplina mentioned on This is a monument of legionary veteran,
this plate, were likely the members of indigenous who also inscribed the name of his hometown
population living somewhere in Istria.118 and legion in which he served.
His praenomen, Gaius is one of 18 most com-
Second name that can be related to indige- mon Roman names.
nous population mentioned on the inscription is His nomen gentile, Titius, is related to old
Raecus. Since in this inscription it appears as the but not very prominent plebeian family, gens Ti-
tia 120 and is certainly of Latin origin.121
113 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Ter-
geste i Egida “, 31. 119 Krahe, Lexikon Altillyrischer Personennemen, 97; Alföldy, Die Per-
sonennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 349; Križman,
114 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae Rimska imena u Istri, 104.
Cisalpinae, 173; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
narum, vol. III, 45. 120 Smith, A Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Antiquities, 1159.
121 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia,
115 Other forms include: Aplo, Apludus, Aplurus, Aplus, Aplius.
116 Krahe, Lexikon Altillyrischer Personennemen, 157; Starac, “Pitanje 338.
istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Tergeste i Egida”,
30; Mate Križman, Rimska imena u Istri: osobna imena na istarskim
natpisima iz rimskog doba (Zagreb: Latina Et Graeca, 1991), 200-201.
117 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Ter-
geste i Egida”, 31.
118 John J. Wilkes, The Illyrians (Cambridge: Blackwell Publishing,
1992), 71-75.