Page 89 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 89
ia universitatis Name of the dedicator is recorded only as Qu- First is Lucius Sellius. His praenomen very
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 89 intus, which was likely his single slave name. It is common, but his nomen gentile is not fully preser-
one of the 18 most often used Roman names. ved and can only be guessed. Despite that, the fact
that his name was written in tria nomina formula
The full name of the master for whom the means that he was a Roman citizen.
monument was erected is not fully preserved
with Cognomen Sellius is relatively often attested
in Italy and might be of Latin origin. It is popular
only his praenomen and cognomen being among former slaves, but more often as nomen gen-
recorded fully. tile a than as cognomen.146
Praenomen Lucius is one of the most com- Plautia Tertulla, bearing a common name
mon Roman names. formula for woman was also a Roman citizen.
His nomen gentile is only partially preserved Name Plautia is a common Roman name and
and can only be guessed. of Latin origin. Same can be said for Tertulla, whi-
ch is a nickname derived from Tertia, which in
Cognomen Protoctetus is very rare and there turn derives from the pracitce of giving names in
are only three inscriptions where it is attested, two bigger families.147
others being from Gallia Narbonensis.144 Entries
in the databases reveal that this name is somew- Both Lucius Sellius and Plautia Tertulla be-
hat familiar in Italy and related to freedman.145 Its ing citizens with Roman names, it can be conclu-
origin is uncertain, but might be Latin. However, ded that they might have immigrated to Aegida
it is suffice that he is recorded as a master of the sometime during the first half of 1st century AD.
the slave Quintus and because of that, likely a Ro- Stone slab with inscribed names
man citizen This monument (Inscr. Inscr. It. X. 3. 17) is stone
slab without a frame made in Aurisina limestone
The monument is dated to the 1st half of the (height: 0,30 m; Width: 0,31 m; thickness: 0,13 m).
1st century AD. The slab is damaged and the letters are inscribed
loosely and are worn . It was found in the atrium
Funerary monuments to Lucius Sellius of the Museum of Koper where it is now kept. The
and Plautia Tertulla inscription reads:
This monument (CIL V 502, Inscr. It. X. 3.22) sur-
vives only as drawing. It was seen by Orsato and [---Co]rnelius
Carli, but now it happens to be lost. The inscripti- [---]us
on reads: [---]s
L(ucio) Pa[...] Sellio “[Co]rnelius”
Plautiae Tertullae The only word that can be dicserned is the
[...] seni f(ilio) name Cornelius. It is a true Roman name of La-
merenti posuit tin origin. This name was very popular and be-
“To Lucius Pa Sellius, to Plautia Tertulla, longs to one of the oldest Roman names. Due to
son, deserved made it “ its popularity, it probably belonged to a Roma-
This funerary monument mentions three nized member of Aegida, who was likely a citi-
people in total, but only two have a preserved
name in the inscription. 146 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae
Cisalpinae, 259; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
144 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae narum, vol. IV, 63.
Cisalpinae, 243; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
narum, vol. IV, 168. 147 Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku epigrafiju,61-62.
145 CIL III 157; CIL VI 1057; CIL VI 8578; CIL VI 9915; CIL VI 18181;
CIL VI 20473; CIL VI 27443; CIL IX 3246; CIL XIV; AE 1920,
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 89 intus, which was likely his single slave name. It is common, but his nomen gentile is not fully preser-
one of the 18 most often used Roman names. ved and can only be guessed. Despite that, the fact
that his name was written in tria nomina formula
The full name of the master for whom the means that he was a Roman citizen.
monument was erected is not fully preserved
with Cognomen Sellius is relatively often attested
in Italy and might be of Latin origin. It is popular
only his praenomen and cognomen being among former slaves, but more often as nomen gen-
recorded fully. tile a than as cognomen.146
Praenomen Lucius is one of the most com- Plautia Tertulla, bearing a common name
mon Roman names. formula for woman was also a Roman citizen.
His nomen gentile is only partially preserved Name Plautia is a common Roman name and
and can only be guessed. of Latin origin. Same can be said for Tertulla, whi-
ch is a nickname derived from Tertia, which in
Cognomen Protoctetus is very rare and there turn derives from the pracitce of giving names in
are only three inscriptions where it is attested, two bigger families.147
others being from Gallia Narbonensis.144 Entries
in the databases reveal that this name is somew- Both Lucius Sellius and Plautia Tertulla be-
hat familiar in Italy and related to freedman.145 Its ing citizens with Roman names, it can be conclu-
origin is uncertain, but might be Latin. However, ded that they might have immigrated to Aegida
it is suffice that he is recorded as a master of the sometime during the first half of 1st century AD.
the slave Quintus and because of that, likely a Ro- Stone slab with inscribed names
man citizen This monument (Inscr. Inscr. It. X. 3. 17) is stone
slab without a frame made in Aurisina limestone
The monument is dated to the 1st half of the (height: 0,30 m; Width: 0,31 m; thickness: 0,13 m).
1st century AD. The slab is damaged and the letters are inscribed
loosely and are worn . It was found in the atrium
Funerary monuments to Lucius Sellius of the Museum of Koper where it is now kept. The
and Plautia Tertulla inscription reads:
This monument (CIL V 502, Inscr. It. X. 3.22) sur-
vives only as drawing. It was seen by Orsato and [---Co]rnelius
Carli, but now it happens to be lost. The inscripti- [---]us
on reads: [---]s
L(ucio) Pa[...] Sellio “[Co]rnelius”
Plautiae Tertullae The only word that can be dicserned is the
[...] seni f(ilio) name Cornelius. It is a true Roman name of La-
merenti posuit tin origin. This name was very popular and be-
“To Lucius Pa Sellius, to Plautia Tertulla, longs to one of the oldest Roman names. Due to
son, deserved made it “ its popularity, it probably belonged to a Roma-
This funerary monument mentions three nized member of Aegida, who was likely a citi-
people in total, but only two have a preserved
name in the inscription. 146 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae
Cisalpinae, 259; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
144 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae narum, vol. IV, 63.
Cisalpinae, 243; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati-
narum, vol. IV, 168. 147 Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku epigrafiju,61-62.
145 CIL III 157; CIL VI 1057; CIL VI 8578; CIL VI 9915; CIL VI 18181;
CIL VI 20473; CIL VI 27443; CIL IX 3246; CIL XIV; AE 1920,