Page 86 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 86
This monument might seem peculiar at firststudia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 8671 AD.127 Save a small contribution in the conqu-
because it lacks the cognomen. It was actually a est of Dacia (only as a vexilation), the legion
common practice in the area around Aquileiahereditati stayed in Carnuntum until it was dispatched to
and Emona for veterans to omit cognomen but the East sometime during the rule of Trajan ne-
to regulary include the tribe in which they were ver to return to Pannonia.128
The fact that Gaius Titius served in a legi-
Gaius Titius also inscribed his filiation, on, and not in an auxiliary unit, indicates that
which reveals that his fathers name was also Ga- he was a Roman citizen and not a peregrine who
ius. His voting tribe is recorded to be Voltilia, the joined the army from Gaul and received citizen-
tribe of his hometown, Colonia Iulia Vienna Al- ship upon retirement. As a veteran, Gaius Titius
lobrogum, todays Vienne in southeastern France, settled somewhere in northern Italy and Istria,
south of Lyon. similiar to other veterans of this legion, who of-
ten retired in the hintherland of Aquileia.129
From this it is easy to assert that this indi-
vidual was native of Gaul, who served as a legio- The datation of this monument can be co-
nnaire in the 15th legion of Apollonians. njectured on the basis of the movement of the le-
gion. During the 1st century BC and AD, the le-
This legion was raised by Octavian someti- gion spent the majority of its time in Illyricum
me around 40 or 41 BC. After Actium, where and later Pannonia Superior (55 – 71 AD was
the legion fought, it received the title in the ho- spent in the East), mostly in Carnuntum. The-
nor of Apollo123 and was stationed in Illyricum, refore, the monument can be dated to early 1st
the precise location being a point of debate. It is century AD.
possible that it had a camp in Carnuntum near
todays Vienna in Austria. The date for its occupa- Funerary monument of Publius Acisinus
tion of Carnuntum range from 15 AD to 50 AD.124 Venius and his wife Galla
It was previously thought that this legion had a This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 32; CIL V 491) is a
camp in Ljubljana (Emona)125 before transfering stone plate with a frame made of triple moulded
to Carnuntum, but this hypotesis is now mostly belt. It was found in an unknown place near the
rejected.126 In 55 AD, during the rule of Nero, the village of Pomjan (Italian: Paugnano). With it,
legion was transferred to the East to fight Part- jars, perfume bottle and a lamp with the FOR-
hians and participated in the First Jewish Re- TIS stamp were found. Unfortunately, Kandler
volt, but returned to Pannonia (Carnuntum) in himself lost the plate in 1844. The inscription re-
122 Marjeta Šašel-Kos “The 15th Legion at Emona-some Thoughts”, Ze-
itschriftfür Papyrologie und Epigraphik 109 (1995), 238. P(ublius) Acisinius C(ai) f(ilius)
123 E. Ritterling, “Legio” in RE XII (Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1924-1925), Galla uxor
1747; Keppie, Understanding Roman Inscriptions, 182. “Publius Acisinius Venius, son of Gaius,
wife Galla”
124 Everett L. Wheeler, “Legio XV Apollinaris: From Carnuntum
to Satala and beyond “ in Les Légions de Rome sous le Haut-Empi- 127 Andras Mócsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia: A History of the Mid-
re, ed. Y. Le Bohec (Lyon/Paris: De Boccard, 2000), 272-273; Jerome dle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire (London/Boston: Rou-
H. Farnum, The Positioning of the Roman Imperial Legions (Oxford: tledge and K. Paul, 1974), 48; Wheeler, “Legio XV Apollinaris: From
Archaeopress, 2005), 23. Carnuntum to Satala and beyond “, 260.
125 This view became widely accepted in literature despite serious doubts 128 Mócsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia, 99; Wheeler, “Legio XV Apolli-
being cast on it very early. Works which supported this idea include: naris” , 260; Farnum, The Positioning of the Roman Imperial Legions,
B. Saria, “Emona als Standlager der Legio XV. Apollinaris” in Laure- 23.
ae Aquincenses 1 Diss. Pann. 2. 1. (1938) 245-255; G. Alföldy, Noricum,
1974, 57; A. Mocsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia, 74-76; J. Fitz, The Ar- 129 Jaroslav Šašel “Zur Frühgeschichte der XV. Legion und zur Nor-
chaeology of Roman Pannonia, 1980, 143. dostgrenze der Cisalpina zur Zeit Caesars” Archäeologisch-epigrap-
hische Studien 1 (1985), 547.
126 Šašel and Weiler, “Zur augusteisch-tiberischen Inschrift von Emo-
na”, Carnuntum Jahrbuch 8 (1963-1964), 40-42; Šašel-Kos “The 15th Le-
gion at Emona”, 243.
because it lacks the cognomen. It was actually a est of Dacia (only as a vexilation), the legion
common practice in the area around Aquileiahereditati stayed in Carnuntum until it was dispatched to
and Emona for veterans to omit cognomen but the East sometime during the rule of Trajan ne-
to regulary include the tribe in which they were ver to return to Pannonia.128
The fact that Gaius Titius served in a legi-
Gaius Titius also inscribed his filiation, on, and not in an auxiliary unit, indicates that
which reveals that his fathers name was also Ga- he was a Roman citizen and not a peregrine who
ius. His voting tribe is recorded to be Voltilia, the joined the army from Gaul and received citizen-
tribe of his hometown, Colonia Iulia Vienna Al- ship upon retirement. As a veteran, Gaius Titius
lobrogum, todays Vienne in southeastern France, settled somewhere in northern Italy and Istria,
south of Lyon. similiar to other veterans of this legion, who of-
ten retired in the hintherland of Aquileia.129
From this it is easy to assert that this indi-
vidual was native of Gaul, who served as a legio- The datation of this monument can be co-
nnaire in the 15th legion of Apollonians. njectured on the basis of the movement of the le-
gion. During the 1st century BC and AD, the le-
This legion was raised by Octavian someti- gion spent the majority of its time in Illyricum
me around 40 or 41 BC. After Actium, where and later Pannonia Superior (55 – 71 AD was
the legion fought, it received the title in the ho- spent in the East), mostly in Carnuntum. The-
nor of Apollo123 and was stationed in Illyricum, refore, the monument can be dated to early 1st
the precise location being a point of debate. It is century AD.
possible that it had a camp in Carnuntum near
todays Vienna in Austria. The date for its occupa- Funerary monument of Publius Acisinus
tion of Carnuntum range from 15 AD to 50 AD.124 Venius and his wife Galla
It was previously thought that this legion had a This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 32; CIL V 491) is a
camp in Ljubljana (Emona)125 before transfering stone plate with a frame made of triple moulded
to Carnuntum, but this hypotesis is now mostly belt. It was found in an unknown place near the
rejected.126 In 55 AD, during the rule of Nero, the village of Pomjan (Italian: Paugnano). With it,
legion was transferred to the East to fight Part- jars, perfume bottle and a lamp with the FOR-
hians and participated in the First Jewish Re- TIS stamp were found. Unfortunately, Kandler
volt, but returned to Pannonia (Carnuntum) in himself lost the plate in 1844. The inscription re-
122 Marjeta Šašel-Kos “The 15th Legion at Emona-some Thoughts”, Ze-
itschriftfür Papyrologie und Epigraphik 109 (1995), 238. P(ublius) Acisinius C(ai) f(ilius)
123 E. Ritterling, “Legio” in RE XII (Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1924-1925), Galla uxor
1747; Keppie, Understanding Roman Inscriptions, 182. “Publius Acisinius Venius, son of Gaius,
wife Galla”
124 Everett L. Wheeler, “Legio XV Apollinaris: From Carnuntum
to Satala and beyond “ in Les Légions de Rome sous le Haut-Empi- 127 Andras Mócsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia: A History of the Mid-
re, ed. Y. Le Bohec (Lyon/Paris: De Boccard, 2000), 272-273; Jerome dle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire (London/Boston: Rou-
H. Farnum, The Positioning of the Roman Imperial Legions (Oxford: tledge and K. Paul, 1974), 48; Wheeler, “Legio XV Apollinaris: From
Archaeopress, 2005), 23. Carnuntum to Satala and beyond “, 260.
125 This view became widely accepted in literature despite serious doubts 128 Mócsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia, 99; Wheeler, “Legio XV Apolli-
being cast on it very early. Works which supported this idea include: naris” , 260; Farnum, The Positioning of the Roman Imperial Legions,
B. Saria, “Emona als Standlager der Legio XV. Apollinaris” in Laure- 23.
ae Aquincenses 1 Diss. Pann. 2. 1. (1938) 245-255; G. Alföldy, Noricum,
1974, 57; A. Mocsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia, 74-76; J. Fitz, The Ar- 129 Jaroslav Šašel “Zur Frühgeschichte der XV. Legion und zur Nor-
chaeology of Roman Pannonia, 1980, 143. dostgrenze der Cisalpina zur Zeit Caesars” Archäeologisch-epigrap-
hische Studien 1 (1985), 547.
126 Šašel and Weiler, “Zur augusteisch-tiberischen Inschrift von Emo-
na”, Carnuntum Jahrbuch 8 (1963-1964), 40-42; Šašel-Kos “The 15th Le-
gion at Emona”, 243.