Page 88 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 88
ter well and this was in a way reflected in thestudia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 88g. Africa) area.142 It is also important to note that
cognomen which was given to him. the names was the most popular in Hispania and
hereditati then Italy.143 Together with the nomen gentile, it
The monument is dated in the early 1st cen- is possible that this individual was from a western
tury AD. province, likely Hispania, where the Romanizati-
on has already taken place and the names famili-
Monument of Sextius Pedanius Seneca ar among both Romans and indigenous populati-
This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 34) is a plinth on were used.
made in sandstone (height: 0,13 m, width: 0,25 m,
thickness: 0,12 m). The right side is damaged, and There is a slight possibility that this is not a
the inscription is engraved with rough letters. Sto- funerary monument.
nes of the same shape were found in few tombs in
Istria. The monument was found in wall in the fi- The monument can be dated to late 1st cen-
eld near the village of Zupanci. It was kept in the tury BC.
curia of Paugnano, until it came to the Museum of
Koper as a gift in 1924. The inscription reads: A votive monument dedicated to Nemesis
A small ara (lat. arula) made of limestone (Inscr.
[S]ex(tius) Pedani[us-] It. X. 3. 35). Right side is damaged (height: 0,54
f(ilius) Seneca m, width: 0,25 m, thickness: 0,25 m). It was fou-
“Sex(tius) Pedanius, son, Seneca” nd in the village of S. Pietro dell’Amata, in the
Due to the damage of the right side of the valley of Dragonja river. It was somehow brou-
plate filiation is not full preserved. ght to the Museum of Trieste by Marco Marcuz-
Pranenomen Sextius one of the most often zo Villanovensi in 1898. It is neither known whe-
used Roman names. re the monument was found nor who was the
Nomen gentile Pedanius is relatively frequent, man who sold it to the Museum. It is kept in the
with province of Hispania being the place where lapidarium of the Trieste Museum. The inscripti-
it is most often used, second to it being Italy.138 It on reads:
might be of Latin origin, since there are few people
with the name Pedanius recorded in history, some Nem[e]-
as early as Second Punic War.139 si
Cognomen Seneca is of Latin origin. It is a cog- Aug(stae)
nomen which originated as a nickname denoting sac(rum)
persons great age which was a common practice Qui[---]
in Roman onomastics.140 Some authors hold that servus L(uci)
it might be of Celtic origin.141 This view is some- [---]nicius
times questioned or it is thought that the origin Protocteti
cannot be discerned unless the name appears in [v(otum)] s(olvit) l(ibens)
a predominately Celtic (e. g. Gaul) or Roman (e. “Dedicated to Nemesis the revered one,
Qui[ntus] slave of Lucius [---]nicius Proto-
138 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae ctetus, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his
Cisalpinae, 217; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati- vow”
narum, vol. III, 131. This is a votive monument dedicated to the
goddess Nemesis, by a slave Quintus to his for-
139 Smith, A Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Antiquities, 163. mer master.
140 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 307.
141 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 142 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 17; Radoslav Katičić, “Zur Frage der kelti-
schen und pannonischen Namengebiete im romischen Dalmatien”, Godišnjak
293. Centra za Balkanološka ispitivanja IIl/1 (1965), 59.
143 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. IV, 65.
cognomen which was given to him. the names was the most popular in Hispania and
hereditati then Italy.143 Together with the nomen gentile, it
The monument is dated in the early 1st cen- is possible that this individual was from a western
tury AD. province, likely Hispania, where the Romanizati-
on has already taken place and the names famili-
Monument of Sextius Pedanius Seneca ar among both Romans and indigenous populati-
This monument (Inscr. It. X. 3. 34) is a plinth on were used.
made in sandstone (height: 0,13 m, width: 0,25 m,
thickness: 0,12 m). The right side is damaged, and There is a slight possibility that this is not a
the inscription is engraved with rough letters. Sto- funerary monument.
nes of the same shape were found in few tombs in
Istria. The monument was found in wall in the fi- The monument can be dated to late 1st cen-
eld near the village of Zupanci. It was kept in the tury BC.
curia of Paugnano, until it came to the Museum of
Koper as a gift in 1924. The inscription reads: A votive monument dedicated to Nemesis
A small ara (lat. arula) made of limestone (Inscr.
[S]ex(tius) Pedani[us-] It. X. 3. 35). Right side is damaged (height: 0,54
f(ilius) Seneca m, width: 0,25 m, thickness: 0,25 m). It was fou-
“Sex(tius) Pedanius, son, Seneca” nd in the village of S. Pietro dell’Amata, in the
Due to the damage of the right side of the valley of Dragonja river. It was somehow brou-
plate filiation is not full preserved. ght to the Museum of Trieste by Marco Marcuz-
Pranenomen Sextius one of the most often zo Villanovensi in 1898. It is neither known whe-
used Roman names. re the monument was found nor who was the
Nomen gentile Pedanius is relatively frequent, man who sold it to the Museum. It is kept in the
with province of Hispania being the place where lapidarium of the Trieste Museum. The inscripti-
it is most often used, second to it being Italy.138 It on reads:
might be of Latin origin, since there are few people
with the name Pedanius recorded in history, some Nem[e]-
as early as Second Punic War.139 si
Cognomen Seneca is of Latin origin. It is a cog- Aug(stae)
nomen which originated as a nickname denoting sac(rum)
persons great age which was a common practice Qui[---]
in Roman onomastics.140 Some authors hold that servus L(uci)
it might be of Celtic origin.141 This view is some- [---]nicius
times questioned or it is thought that the origin Protocteti
cannot be discerned unless the name appears in [v(otum)] s(olvit) l(ibens)
a predominately Celtic (e. g. Gaul) or Roman (e. “Dedicated to Nemesis the revered one,
Qui[ntus] slave of Lucius [---]nicius Proto-
138 Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae ctetus, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his
Cisalpinae, 217; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Lati- vow”
narum, vol. III, 131. This is a votive monument dedicated to the
goddess Nemesis, by a slave Quintus to his for-
139 Smith, A Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Antiquities, 163. mer master.
140 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 307.
141 Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Römischen Provinz Dalmatia, 142 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 17; Radoslav Katičić, “Zur Frage der kelti-
schen und pannonischen Namengebiete im romischen Dalmatien”, Godišnjak
293. Centra za Balkanološka ispitivanja IIl/1 (1965), 59.
143 Lőrincz, Onomasticon provinciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. IV, 65.