Page 13 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 13
ia universitatistavil na vzporedne tirnice stereotipno predstavo Tro- Horsfall, N. 1987. ‘Numanus Remulus’. In
par allelismi tr a la provocazione di numano r emulo ai troiani ... 13 jancev in Etruščanov s ciljem, da je obema ljudstvoma Enciclopedia Virgiliana, 778. Roma:
pripisal podobne značilnosti, ki se popolnoma ujema- Istituto dell’Enciclopedia italiana.
jo. Stereotipne značilnosti, ki jih Vergilij pripisuje obe-
ma ljudstvoma so lahkotno predajanje ljubezenskim Thomas, R. F., 1982. ‘Lands and Peoples in
dogodivščinam, otiumu in plesu. Nasprotno pa sta obe Roman Poetry: The Ethnographical
ljudstvi tudi nositeljici pozitivnih lastnosti, in sicer ver- Tradition.’ Proceedings of the Cambridge
ske pobožnosti (pietas) ter vojaške hrabrosti (fotitudo). Philological Society. Supplementary Volume
7: 99.

In the article, the author compares from the substan-
tive point of view two excerpts from Vergil’s Aeneid, to
which no researcher of Vergil’s opus has yet been paid
attention. It is a passage from the ninth book of the Ae-
neid, in which Numanus Remulus strongly attacks the
Trojans and attributes to them some stereotypical fea-
tures (9,598-620), and a passage from the eleventh book,
in which the Etruscan fellow Tarhon encourages his
mates (11,732-740). The purpose of the paper was to illu-
minate the parallelism of these two excerpts and to in-
dicate that Vergil deliberately set up a stereotypical rep-
resentation of Trojans and Etruscans on parallel rails,
with the aim of attributing similar characteristics to the
two peoples. Stereotypical representations attributed
by Vergil to both peoples are an easy passage to love ad-
ventures, to otium and to dancing. On the contrary, both
peoples are also the bearers of positive qualities, name-
ly religious devotion (pietas) and military courage (forti-


Cairns, F. 1990. Vergil’s Augustan epic.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cergol, J., 2011. ‘Gli eroi della stirpe etrusca
nella seconda metà dell’Eneide.’ Maia,
rivista di letterature classiche 3: 497-507.

Dickie, M. 1985. ‘The Speech of Numanus
Remulus (Aeneid 9.598–620).’ Papers of the
Liverpool Latin Seminar 5: 165-221.

Herter, H. 1959. ‘Effeminatus.’ Reallexikon für
Antike und Christentum 4: 638.

Horsfall, N. 1971. ‘Numanus Remulus:
Ethnography and Propaganda in Aeneid
9.598ff.’ Latomus 30: 1108-16
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